How much is the count right now?
Oh Fawn I’m so sorry!!! I was out at lunch and came back to this. Unfortunately it’s just one victory per person, so I’m going to clean some of these up. I’ll keep them saved on the side if this changes though
so much work in vain.
Hahaha you are so kind to someone spamming cheat wins. Respect.
Were this an AoE4 thread, the fanatics would have devoured him haha
NOT IN VAIN. Would you like a doodle of your angry toast icon, I can do that for you as a thank you? >:D You kept this channel bumpin, its what we needed!!!
Do one of me. And i consider starting the game to make a screen
Give me just a moment here folks to catch up on what all has been added, I just got back from lunch break! Tally up in just a few, please stand by~~ <3
Well I got the game running to post more in case you guys lift the restriction on one per person.
Some districts of my city here in western Europe are being flooded soon. I’ll go down with the ship, submitting screens til the electricity brakes off ha
(jk I am safe though, no worries)
Oh goodness, yes, please be safe!
Build a navy…
It would suck to request home City shipments and then find your Home City has been washed away by a flood. Here in South Africa we have riots/revolution and chaos haha it’s a good sign for the African DLC release haha
Forums with 20
FB with 10
Twitter with 13!
Why doesnt legacy count?
Maybe consider post this on reddit and eso community