Change Burmese?

Cries in elephant (and maybe in wololo)


True, monk are good too, but burmese elephants aren’t that big of a deal.

They are supposed tobe the 2nd best elephants in the game, and highly usable
 If only khmer weren’t broken

They work as a support unit, to soak up arrows and deal some damage, arambai, but infantry, monks and siege are simply better options, though, add some BE here and there can help.

Kmer and Malay have simply the more usable BE.

There’s a recurring debate about elephants. Recently (in Ornlu nomad cup semifinal) one vietnamesse player went full into elephants, and was exactly what was needed.

My point is, Burma elephants should be a strong possibility, and not just something quite situational

As Burmese, I would rather go for Knights, since Manipur Cavalry also works with Cavaliers, and I am not likely to be making a lot of Archers, so the army cost is very Food heavy.

Still, Burmese EBEs with both UTs just smash buildings, and laugh at Archery Range units.

Remember when they had +2 pierce armor from the UT, not just +1?

Those were the days. DE, pls give me back my “haha stable go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr”

In all seriousness, You don’t see the elephants because you practically want to mass a lot of them so as to avoid a few monks just rejecting your push and turning it 180, but getting a lot of them is practically impossible in a tight game with their cost.


but that is the entire point of this thread
 almost everyone here is saying thats the issue
 they need to be buffed outside of the arambai, and nerf to the arambai to encourage other matchups
 they are pretty stale and situationally OP or UP

still think this is possibly the best interim at least. the flip side is it buffs the FU aramabai MA by 1. someone will have to run the numbers on if that actually changes anything

I was wrong, they are a 3 trick civ, monks are good too, but those 3 tricks are really strong.

However, I’m not against small tweaks for them.


You do see Burmese Elephants in Team Games, but for 1v1, they are too expensive.

The only BEs I see in 1v1 are Khmer and Malay ones, because the first is OP, and the second one is like a slightly more expensive Knight on steroids for a Castle Age rush.

I do not think they should be tweaked. Now that the MC UT was fixed, they are quite strong.

I can relate to that. Two games I played 2v2 on arena, both ended super fast with one player getting stomped by arambai charging in. Gates are gone in like 8 seconds and your TCs are gone short after. One less range wouldn’t change this.

Here is the problem, scouting the castle(s) I can prepare skirms sure, but what if he goes for my teammate? Hence, both have to prepare skirms just in case! By that we both have also a less developed eco and a very immobile army. Second enemy player can either boom his heart out, or go for mass knights and they can double knock out again. Skirms won’t help against both.

I am really not sure what to do about it, how to counter this strategy??


That’s true. Especially since most arambai encounters involve closing the gap to maximise accuracy.

Reduced range will still help a bit when kiting (even marginally so) it wont make a huge difference but it reduces the arambai effectiveness in dodging halbs as well as the range the arambai can stand off and barrage the gates or TCs meaning you can return fire sooner /for longer if they run.

Example : arambai stands outside gate blattting it down. Your xbows can shoot at them sooner since they’re physically closer. As opposed to if they stood further away from the gate. Same applies for blatting vils over walls or trees. And so forth.

I agree Arena Arambi opening that can blast through your wall is a very strong strategy.

First you need to scout it. Usually by the Feudal uptime you can see if they are going 25 pop FC or 27/28 pop castle drop build. If you see the late Feudal uptime from Burmese or Spanish, it’s very likely castle drop build. You could also scout them being on stone or when they actually build the castle of course.

Your defense once scouted is that at least one player stays in castle age on 1 or 2 TC, instead of the “regular” 3 TC boom to imp on Arena. That player should have something that can deal with at least the early Arambi (early meaning up to 10 I guess).

Can be monks, can be defensive castle, can be guard tower, can be skirms. But, exactly as you said, would have to be in his and in your base, tricky! So these options are more for 1v1.

The three other options are knights, camels, and counter attack. Knights means he just goes regular FC into 2 stable knights. Will have 6-8 knights by the time first Arambi is out, so this will shut it down pretty nicely, at least until second player has boomed to imp. Same for camels.

Counter attack is probably the most reliable response. Arambi are a big investment, so if you hit the area they are not having their castle in with siege+monk+support unit, they are gonna be busy there.

Those are my ideas :slight_smile:

Imo eles got nerfed too much, thus indirectly nerfing the other eles civs. They had to nerf elephants because of Khmer huge buff, which broke the balance of the south-east asian civs.


Wrong. Arambai melt kts and camels, especially in castle.

Also wrong: as I said arambai literally melts kts. Siege in the open get easily picked out by such an easy to micro unit.

Your best shot is going for skirms, siege or monk (or a combination of these) at home and boom up to imp, but remember that the arambai will be accompanied by mangonels and a good shot by the burmese players means the arambai are in


Rofl like literally ignoring everything else everyone is saying :joy::joy: everyone keeps saying arambais weakness is to ranged and you recommend melee units

obviously u rarely play arena or similarly closed map. They are very OP in castle age, only like 40 upgraded CA may (or may not) stop 30 arambai, For low numbers, Arambai easily beat archer type/skirms. Knights are totally dominant by Arambai hit and run.


Arambai beats cav archer badly, they melt xbow and skirms in same numbers, all you have to do is get close enough and see how they melt them.

Arambai is OP, but the civ still have too many bonuses, stronger militia for free, wood upgrades for free, monk tecs 50% cheaper that means double the monks they can produce compared to any other monk civ at the same time, their tec tree is really powerful, only missing archer armor doesn’t justify having an unit capable of destroying melee units, buildings and even their counter units if the fight is in an open area.

The speed of the arambai plus the high attack is just too much, their UT that gives more bonus vs buildings is like nonsense, elite arambai is weak compared to most post imperial ranged units, good but the problem is surviving enough to reach late game, whereas the burmese gets stronger with their tank eles and OP halbs, plus good siege.

You know tarkan was the unit supposedly to be the best unit vs buildings besides siege, but for years paladin and tarkan almost destroy buildings at the same speed, then arambai was introduced and it literally destroys everything way faster than tarkans.

I would like to know the reasoning behind arambai destroying buildings was it fire darts? TNT darts? cus i thought it was poisoned darts justifying the high attack vs units, but vs buildings? do they throw grenades or what, please remove the silly attack vs buildings by giving them -17 vs buildings, so they would inflict 1 damage to any building, like u know a dart would do to any brick building.


yes because everyone uses militia.

because franks don’t get free farm upgrades, vikings don’t get free wheelbarrow/handcart, malians don’t get free gold upgrade, celts don’t chop wood faster, etc.

false. if monks were half price this would be true. saving half off on monk techs doesn’t mean much when we rarely see more then 1 or 2 monk techs researched.

they kind of need arambai being good against infantry given how bad their other options are.
their cavalry is average at best, and their siege lacks both siege ram/onager.

their elephants are so lackluster they don’t see much use, their halbs are op? how? 3 extra damage pales in comparison to having extra pierce armor, extra health, extra attack speed, extra movement, etc. 3 extra base damage means jack all seeing as the mass majority of halb damage comes from bonus damage.

they are among the slowest cavalry units in the game, their high attack is offset by a huge miss rate, and they are insanely expensive. they don’t benefit from attack/range upgrades, and their armor is very low at the end of the day.

So Conqs also need a negative attack vs buildings then because is kinda absurd that bullets damage buildings

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