Change Enemy to Ally in Single Player?


I know how to change the diplomacy in Age DE, but seemingly it’s not possible to make enemies to allies in Single Player.

I searched on the internet and all I found was, that you could edit a PER file on AOE1.
There you was able to change diplomacy settings, but the file doesn’t exist on the Definitive Edition anymore, right?

So is there another way to change diplomacy from Enemy to Ally in Single Player?

You can set teams before you start a random map/deathmatch by clicking [-] so that you are the same number as any or all of the AI. Players on the same number are on the same team.

You can also set diplomacy when you make scenarios, and just start the scenario on default settings.

Once the game is started, it’s almost impossible afaik for enemies to change their mind about diplomacy. Apparently you used to be able to gain a temporary alliance by tribute a large amount of gold, but it didn’t last too long. Usually you’ll be met with “your petty offerings will not sway my determination to crush your empire” message no matter how many resources you tribute.

Thank you. I only wanted to know how to change diplomacy (enemy to ally) ingame. So it’s the same as in original game?

Yes. Like you read you used to be able to edit .per files and make them ask for gold which would make them like you, but those files are locked now for a while

I remember in the original game you had to be neutral first, then tribute 3 time more than 200 of gold and still you could become allies only 50% time

Couldn’t work it out either.

@GameSkillar said:

So is there another way to change diplomacy from Enemy to Ally in Single Player?

I think I’ve figured it out.
I found this applies to AoE:DE in single player,

If another AI player is Neutral (I had never attacked them): 2600 tribute of any resource or combination of (one or more), the AI changes diplomacy to Ally for me, along with the message “your empire is worthy of my allegiance” and I get notification that the diplomacy of that player has changed to Ally.

If the tribute is below 2600, I receive the following message
“we are not interested in any allegiance.”

If another AI player is Enemy: 7500 tribute of any resource (one or more), the AI changes diplomacy to Ally for me. I find that sometimes the message varies, it will usually reply “your empire is worthy of my allegiance” but sometimes it still replies " your petty offerings will not sway my determination to crush your empire" but changes to ally anyway giving me the change to Ally notification. I find I get the first message if the tribute is 8000+. On the odd occasion, it did seem to also work with 7200.

If the tribute is below 7500, it will just reply " your petty offerings will not sway my determination to crush your empire"

I also found, once an AI player changes diplomacy to enemy twice, no amount of resources will make them change to ally again, and any tribute will just return the latter message.

The amounts are also cumulative - if I tribute multiple times at different times in smaller amounts, it will also work (e.g. 1000 + 1000 + 600)

I tried this in a death match, tiny map, 8 players (7 AI) , I allied all the AI, then just watched them all battle it out between each other!

I tried it for 15 minutes, with an allied victory, so it seems to work for at least that long, I haven’t tried it for any longer to see if it changes back randomly.

I tried to replicate it in the original AoE, but doesn’t work, only seems to be a thing added to AoE:DE (I didn’t try it in the original ROR)

I want to fight with my ally bot but I can’t

@conangmattim9x said:
I want to fight with my ally bot but I can’t

You can’t fight them while your diplomacy is set to ‘Ally’ but, unless you have locked teams before starting the game, you can just change from ally to enemy in the ‘Diplomacy’ window, then they are no longer your ally. Then your units will attack any enemy they see.

I tried the tribute method, works in DE fine. They didn’t change back when my scythe chariots were next to them, because they no longer damage allies. I didn’t try if they revert if you accidentally kill them. They definitely change to enemy if you attack them again as enemy :slight_smile: