Change map ban calculation slightly

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Currently, the ban calculation can be expanded (slightly) without changing anything but the calculation of the amount of bans. The change below will only impact 2 or 3 players queuing for 3v3.

So, currently (assuming 9 maps in the map pool):

  • 3 players queuing for 3v3 will get 3 bans
  • 2 player queuing for 3v3 gets 2 bans.
  • 1 player queuing for 3v3 gets 1 ban.

This in total will always turn out to 6 bans in total. While this could be 8 bans.

If I understand it correctly, the current calculation for bans is:



  • For 2 players queuing for 3v3: floor(9 / (3 * 2)) * 2) === 2
  • For 3 players queuing for 3v3: floor(9 / (3 * 2)) * 3) === 3

If this is correct (or close to it), it could be changed to:



  • For 2 players queuing for 3v3: floor(9 / (3 * 2) * 2)) === 3
  • For 3 players queuing for 3v3: floor(9 / (3 * 2) * 3)) === 4

The change being, moving ... * N_PLAYERS_IN_LOBBY into the floor method, so only flooring after taking the amount of players in the current lobby into account.

This won’t change anything for any of the other queue options. (See excel screenshot below)



Being able to ban 4 maps per team in a 3v3 (with 9 maps) instead of 3.It is still not possible to go over the maximum limit of amount_of_maps - 1 bans.

With other map counts.

Just in case, I tried it for other map counts like 7 or 11.

7 maps

I might be incorrect with the formula (or not) because the ‘now’ calculation completely breaks with 7 bans in a 4 player team (proposed doesn’t)


11 maps

Actually even a more impactful result, having way more bans per team without going over the limit.



Here’s proof that it works. I made a validation table that tests every team size possible VS eachother and uses the topleft table (in screenshot) to calculate the total bans. The :heavy_check_mark: means the ban count is valid and also that there is a proper amount of players entered (to make sure I didn’t f*** up)


I seem to have added the top line for cleanness but forgot to update the in-text formulas. So they should be adjusted by one row (shown + 1). So: $B$14 Actually means $B$15 :upside_down_face: