What about change the name as:
French → French (Royals)
Jeanne d’Arc → French (
Jeanne d’Arc)
Chinese → Chinese (Central Government)
Zhu Xi’s Legacy → Chinese (Neo-Confucianism)
Abbasid Dynasty → Arabian (Abbasid Dynasty)
Ayyubids → Arabian (Ayyubids Dynasty)
Holy Roman Empire → German (HRE)
Order of the Dragon → German (Order of the Dragon)
Sorry for my inaccurate expression, I’m not major in history, just presenting some possibilities.
After seeing your names, I’m actually seeing a pattern that dynasties could be used as well to differentiate between the factions so here’s my take:
French → French (Valois)
French → French (Armagnac) (this is where Jeanne is since Armagnac was the one who supported her)
Holy Roman Empire → German (HRE) (this stays HRE)
Order of the Dragon → German (Luxemburg)
Abbasid Dynasty → Arabian (Abbasid)
Ayyubids → Arabian (Ayyubids)
I have no knowledge of the Chinese so I can’t name them
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Thank you so much for your advices, that’s making much more sense than mine. Actually I know few details about in-game history either.
Not gonna lie this immediately sounds better and solves a lot of the inconsistency issues, and it’s such a simple solution! I’m not sure if the history part is accurate, we can figure that out later but this idea’s great!