This is a refinement of my Chimu civ design as introduced in my exploratory concepts/testing thread. This design has been simplified for consideration to be added to the game, and includes a map wherein you can play as Chimu, with all bonuses/units created through triggers.
Note that this design uses slingers as a semi-regional native unit that has a different ability for each civ (only Inca slingers have an anti-infantry bonus).
Infantry and Siege Civ:
-Blacksmith available in Dark Age, Archer Armors and Infantry attack upgrades available 1 Age earlier.
-Rams 2x Garrison Capacity and LoS.
-Farms are 2x2 size.
-Eagle Warriors move and attack 3.33% faster per Age.
Unique Technologies:
-Mountain Warfare: Slingers and Siege units destroy armor, units have no damage penalty when fighting uphill, deal +30% when fighting downhill. (250 F 450 G)
-Ciudadelas: All buildings mitigate 33% of bonus damage. Allows construction of Stonecast Towers. (800G 400 S)
Unique Units:
Ciequich: Axe throwing infantry with poor accuracy and slow fire rate, but high attack that deals full damage to unintended targets.
Ciequich Stats
HP 60 AT 13, +3 vs Cav 2/2 Armor 6 Range
Elite (1000 F 600 G)
HP 70 AT 15 +4 vs Cav 3/3 Armor 6 Range
Base Speed 0.875, Train Time 10 Seconds, Reload Time 3 Seconds
Slinger: Slinger has +1 attack relative to the Inca slinger (no anti-infantry bonus).
Missing Techs: Gunpowder and Cavalry related units/techs, Arbalester, Thumb Ring, Halberdier, Heated Shot, Treadmill Crane, Hoardings, Atonement, Herbal Medicine, Heresy, Faith, Illumination, Block Printing, Two-Man Saw, Banking.
Chimu History and Description
Chimor was a powerful South American coastal empire, and an enemy of the Incas. The Chimu Empire employed what was perhaps the most sophisticated metalworking technology in the Americas, as well as advanced irrigation systems. The capital at Chan Chan was a famous hub of industry and artisanship, and is known for its palatial Ciudadelas, which contained storerooms and large plazas.
The Chimu civilization has powerful aggressive potential due to its faster Eagle Warriors, Blacksmith bonus, and anti-personnel siege. They receive a modest economic boost from their villagers working slightly faster on the smaller farms, although this, like the power of their Eagles, diminishes in late game, where they rely upon a gold heavy composition of powerful siege weapons and Ciequiches.
Here is a map where you can play as the Chimu. Set your player #/color to 4/Yellow. This map is different from the one released in the larger thread, as Yellow is the only new civ it includes.
Chimu Civ Concept.aoe2scenario (73.5 KB)
Broken Editor Units
Note that since the devs generally put minimal effort into the Editor, none of the triggers I created that modify any unit’s attack or armor work anymore (as of the 6/29/22 “update”), so UUs will have different attack/armor values than what is shown in this thread. Nothing I can do about that until the devs decide to fix the Editor.