China blockhouse age 2

In one of the threads discussing china, one suggestion of a buff is to lessen the cost of the blockhouse in age 2.

From this I wanted to see how viable it is now and I have to say, while it is slower then a castle start, it has a lot of benefits to china, though as it stand it is a bit slow.

A rough BO:

age 1 - normal build ( I am a bit unsure as to whether the tp start is the better one for this build) but for this example go 2 village then 3 vils.
During age up chop 200 wood for the consulate and send GFA as your sencond shipment.
When building the consulate I find that its better to put like 2-3 vils on it to complete it faster.

Age 2 - go russian consulate and get the blockhouse when you hit 121 export and build it in base. 1 shipment depends on the flow of the game but 7 steppe is my prefered most of the time. Then its a roughly normal china age 2, the next cards depends on how the game goes, you can sen 300 export while ending the russian consulate to make getting a new consulate easier( it makes it so that you have enough export for both the german trickles or enough for one crate from the french consulate)

So yeah, I think making the blockhouse cheaper is a very good buff for china that doesn’t affect much else

As it stands there is a gap between the first shipment in age 2 and the blockhouse finishing so you can spam units, and this is where I think the cheaper blockhouse can make a real difference, with china potentially have very strong momentum with the unit shipment and a batch from the blockhouse completing at the same time, it could be very strong.

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Thanks hear of the strengthen Chinese ways.It’s a good idea.In my idea,Chinese advantage is training fast and free for some units.Chinese disadvantage is weakly against the cavalry in their Banner Army.
As we know,the crossbow+Pike weakly against cavalry+Musketeer or Skirmisher
So,Chinese need more Choice to create some good units and slowly Army
Also you can Cheap for Village.But,Someone,We know,maybe not banlance

Hago casi el mismo comienzo, la verdad me encanta el block house, Sobre todo que ahora que entrega 10 de poblacion y no 5 como antes, yo creo que debiese hacer que los envios de primera edad fueran mas factibles, que permitan que China se envie los 3 aldeanos sin necesidad de hacer 2 poblados.
Asi se ahorra la madera para construir el consulado mas rapido y por consecuencia obtener los beneficios mas rapido.
Yo personalmente practico lo que su .guieres tu, solo que sin enviarme el envio de los 300 de exportacion, Voy a intertarlo pronto a ver que sale y despues comentare que tal