Chinese 9 minute 2 TC AND Fast Castle much balance

You could be hitting his woodlines or gold at like 5 minutes and making idle time, maybe you need to work on build orders? If China goes 2 TC and he doesnt die to a ram all-in, you just played the game wrong. 2nd TC and barbican are quite weak to battering ram pushes.

You can be ramming down his TC at like 630 with a good build.

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You can be ramming down his TC at like 630 with a good build.

Lol please share the build where you can afford longbows + blacksmith + siege engineering + ram by 6:30

Pls share the 5 minute longbow push that can do anything meaningful to this turtle with the circles of red death from TCs/barb

At equal ELOs

or maybe , just like when I called out fire lancers before anyone else, it’s just op

Age of Empires 4 - Ram Rushes Are Serious Business - YouTube

Could have gone for rams at like 7-730, but the enemy was actually building military so opted for more longbows and other blacksmith upgrades instead.

At higher level you can’t really ram to early cause the enemy is also spamming military, instead you harrass vills. But if your enemy doesn’t have military well might as well drop rams on him instead.

I believe Longbows have the same range as the 2nd TC, so you can always force those vills idle at least.

I don’t really play english so I don’t know their exact timings, but at over 1300 elo I’ve played against it enough to have an idea of when it comes.

In this video you can see the red player is always denying the gold so that there’s no change his oppenent can go castle while also raiding vills with other units.

Lmao, I see you getting offended so much and start using harsh word by calling other stupid as u cant find valid argument to prove ur point to protect ur fragile ego. Learn to be reasonable before making valid argument then, i wont write anything further as I c u didnt read a single word, or just in denial state right now.

For the record, I am an HRE player, casually playing chinese and delhi from time to time, just keep being salty, noone give a f**k. XD


Saw the match, second TC was done at 6 mins ish wasnt it? Bet u must be Karen in real life, trying to fabricate the truth to win a losing argument against everone else. The point of early aggression is to kill villagers as much as you can, from the pic, wooden line and gold mine was somewhat exposed. Barbican of the Sun is no difference than a big watch tower with extra HP that can garrison 5 more people, but smaller sight range, it is not that OP. Both TC and the landmark outrange longbowmen only by 1 tile, if you were there early since first longbow came out thing might have changed differently.

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Rus 5 minute castle? I need to see a video.

I don’t have that, it’s what some of these other clowns are touting as a justification for chinese OP eco booms

How about placing your Longbowmen at the top left of this image to deny all wood harvesting? He had 0 towers and longbowmen can easily kill villagers outside of TC and barbican range.

There is no gold vein in this image. None of his TC’s is covering any gold veins. You could have denied him all gold collection from gold veins with a standard LB push.

All this nonsense about Chinese vs English economy
 how about you make use of the English cilivsation features? Creep up the map with towers and castles. All your units attack up to 50% faster. You don’t need better economy since all your units attack faster.


As abassyd i can 2 TC + fresh food + wheelborrow + golden age and be age 3 before 10 min as well (with constant prod ofc), and i think abassyd is bottom tier right now, so i don’t really understand the point of the OP.

I think pretty much all civ can do this kind of build order

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it is useless, I explained twice that every nation can do it easily, giving an exmaple that his fav English can do it too, She didn’t read at all, and give an insult back. so I learn my lesson, dont try to reason with a Karen and lets she speaks to the manager.



I understand if you pause the game and try to theorycraft every possible scenario, you can come up with a perfect play scenario

In an actual game, with stuff going on, and travel time of units - it’s a little different

Chinese boom potential with a strat like this is just busted, period

2 TC Song dynasty is one of the reasons China is good on closed maps, but it is a horrendous strategy on open maps. 2 TC FC is also never correct, on open maps it is just asking to die and on closed maps they should be going song dynasty.

Can you elaborate on why 2TC FC is never correct?

On open land maps like dry arabia going 2 TC FC will either leave you dead to any reasonable feudal player, (or some FC players like Rus will destroy you). Hybrid maps, obviously 2 TC is horrible because water maps are all about dock play. Closed maps, song dynasty is so powerful that it is much better than FC unless you are trying to go Yuan fire lancers ASAP.

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I have encountered same strategy playing against Chinese and I thought to myself that this is more like playing against Eqyptians in AoM. So after coming up with my own build order against early Chinese castle with 2 TC I was still not able to keep up playing with HRE because of nest of bees and Chinese defensive landmarks and 2xTC.

There is no freedom of play here you just do the same whatever civ you play because of unbalance issues. You just go for whatever is strongest for the civ. Rus has horsearcher Chinese have this early castle with 2TC French rush with royal knights, English with Longbow
 Yeah every civ should have play style focus but not like this without any encounters
 Because as you can see it comes to a point where one civ’s play outplays other civ’s play like you can’t rush chinese with longbow easy because of their high defenses.

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