Christmas Edition and Suggestions for a better experience in the game


  • “Christmas tree” ,you can cast this anywhere on map (capacity 5000 wood,you can not cut down the tree) [ buy for 1$
  • Special visual effect for Son of Osiris blue or red chain lightning (zeus thunder and other ) [ buy for 1$ ]
  • One of the random heroes or priests is wearing a Santa hat
  • Special christmas effect above the main settlement when you age up [ buy for 1$ ]
    -Christmas UI menu edition snow fall with snow on icons
    -Special catapult projectile “oil burning” for example [ buy for 1$ ]
  • Special random christmas icon click sound bells for example
    • Christmas gift boxes around some buildings.
  • Improved AI chat,AI send you message more often.Create a list of for example1000 sentences that the AI will send, ensuring they are not sent randomly, but intelligently with calculations in specific situations.
    [ buy for 1$ ]
  • Speical skins for horses and other units and buildings ,shields weapons etc that you can buy
  • Add the ability for the main settlement or watchtowers to fire more arrows when villagers are inside them
  • Special map /Custom map that you can buy
  • Create a MASSIVE map that you can play for several days or even months. It will feature different regions, ranging from deserts to snowy areas. Each area will be under AI control, with cities and settlements. From Egyptian culture to Scandinavian. There will be missions that will take a long long time to complete. Mod 1$
  • Skin Ship with completely new design and dock [ buy for 1$ ]
  • God Power for Nordic gods “Winter with heavy snow and snow on the ground effect” -all enemy villagers/peasants gather resources more slowly (2x slower) for a period of 30 seconds. snow dissapears after 5-10 seconds
  • Special map where there will be a specific object in the center of the map, around which players will fight. The player who controls the object gains 1 wood/gold/food per second for example
  • All kind of skins/object/visual effect that you can buy for example Special statue on your settlement,fansy nick name above Settlement,special mouse cursor.
    -Each God has a different design for the Dock (13 diffferent docks)
    -Add a mild rain effect (above) when someone casts a tornado
    -Increase cool down of wimbulwinter (after you build wonder)
    -Bring back old sound effect when enemy player age up !!!
    -Gullinbursti golden boar should have a faster walking animation because it looks like it’s sliding on the surface
    -Villager fishing
  • Predatory animals do not hunt villagers, W H Y ?
  • AI player names like:
    Chris Luck

Icon :slight_smile:


Idle ,why ?

No. Just no. Don’t even float the idea.

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For me, it’s not a problem. people spend money on all sorts of pointless s### things in games. For example, in Clash of Clans, you can buy diamonds that are worthless and don’t affect the game’s progression over time. In every game, there is the option to buy various skins and other things. This is just a stupid example of what could be added to the game.So, why shouldn’t it be the same in AOM Retold? No one is forcing you to buy anything you don’t want. :rofl:

If you want to be treated as an ATM to have your base instinct to fear missing out on opportunities abused for profits, there are plenty of ways you can be exploited for your money. I don’t believe that should be in video games and I don’t want them in the ones I play. This kind of event content is something that should be free frankly. If they can’t spare the developer time/man-hours for it and need the income, put it in a proper DLC and sell me something real instead of trying to nickel-and-dime me for every scintilla I have.

Again, if you want to be milked like a cow for your money, feel free to play just about any mobile game you want. They all use this kind of business model where you can get the ugly base art for free, but pay for anything that’s aesthetically pleasing or useful in the game.

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If it doesn’t affect gameplay, I don’t see any problem with skins, as long as it doesn’t turn into something like PUBG, where everyone looks like they’re in a circus with pink weapons etc… Simple things like ‘instead of a spear, the hoplite holds a pitchfork,’ I don’t mind. Or having the option to customize your town center with decorative items. What would be the problem with that? I think it would be really cool to have those possibilities for decoration in the Town Centers, for example. If this helps the game attract more players and more people working to make the game better, I support it.

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My english is not perfect:
I am a former Dota player… I remember well that Icefrog/Blizzard always made a special version of Dota map for Christmas. Instead of the main tree in the center of base, there was a Christmas tree, and the heroes wore Santa Claus hats… I’m just giving a random example of things that could be added without affecting the game, and I’m not saying that these should be added. For example, I would love it if the Fortress for Zeus looked different from the Fortress for Poseidon, not too much, of course. And so on for each building. I would like each building for every god to be unique and different.Today’s players are completely different than before. Its hard to translate bu we in the Balkans say ‘looking for a hair in an egg’.
I simply cannot bear the fact that there are games made literally in 3-4 weeks that become 100 times more popular than AOM Retold, for example. Minimal effort is invested, and millions $ are earned, while on the other side, a whole team of people is working on animation, music, AI programming, etc., and in the end, nothing… Today’s market is terrible and i HATE THAT !