- “Christmas tree” ,you can cast this anywhere on map (capacity 5000 wood,you can not cut down the tree) [ buy for 1$
- Special visual effect for Son of Osiris blue or red chain lightning (zeus thunder and other ) [ buy for 1$ ]
- One of the random heroes or priests is wearing a Santa hat
- Special christmas effect above the main settlement when you age up [ buy for 1$ ]
-Christmas UI menu edition snow fall with snow on icons
-Special catapult projectile “oil burning” for example [ buy for 1$ ] - Special random christmas icon click sound bells for example
- Christmas gift boxes around some buildings.
- Improved AI chat,AI send you message more often.Create a list of for example1000 sentences that the AI will send, ensuring they are not sent randomly, but intelligently with calculations in specific situations.
[ buy for 1$ ] - Speical skins for horses and other units and buildings ,shields weapons etc that you can buy
- Add the ability for the main settlement or watchtowers to fire more arrows when villagers are inside them
- Special map /Custom map that you can buy
- Create a MASSIVE map that you can play for several days or even months. It will feature different regions, ranging from deserts to snowy areas. Each area will be under AI control, with cities and settlements. From Egyptian culture to Scandinavian. There will be missions that will take a long long time to complete. Mod 1$
- Skin Ship with completely new design and dock [ buy for 1$ ]
- God Power for Nordic gods “Winter with heavy snow and snow on the ground effect” -all enemy villagers/peasants gather resources more slowly (2x slower) for a period of 30 seconds. snow dissapears after 5-10 seconds
- Special map where there will be a specific object in the center of the map, around which players will fight. The player who controls the object gains 1 wood/gold/food per second for example
- All kind of skins/object/visual effect that you can buy for example Special statue on your settlement,fansy nick name above Settlement,special mouse cursor.
-Each God has a different design for the Dock (13 diffferent docks)
-Add a mild rain effect (above) when someone casts a tornado
-Increase cool down of wimbulwinter (after you build wonder)
-Bring back old sound effect when enemy player age up !!!
-Gullinbursti golden boar should have a faster walking animation because it looks like it’s sliding on the surface
-Villager fishing - Predatory animals do not hunt villagers, W H Y ?
- AI player names like:
Chris Luck
Idle ,why ?