Civs should be in AOE1 ASAP

Civilization concept is a full tech tree and bonuses for a civi not just unit ideas and costs.

I understand what you mean, and I agree that it is a great exercise for players who like to discuss this technicalities.

Nevertheless, I believe it is a step too far to be required from common fans, as they simply want the devs to add something new to the game, and are already willing to pay for the extra content. Afterall, it is the devs work to use their time to think on such subjects.


Most of the civis in aoe2 came out of mods and fan requests it would be the same here if there is an active community.

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I’d split Celts between Gauls from Insular Celts (who’d probably just be called Celts), since they were distinct enough from each other.

I’d also add the Germans to the list.

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If you reprogram the game to allow mods in AoE1, I’m one hundred percent sure people would do it.
About the civ concept:
As I already wrote - the devs don’t even think it’s necessary to change the really important things. Why would anyone create a concept for new civs?


If this is the attitude of the forum members no wonder this game is dead.

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Wow… ok. :joy:
Then pls make the first step and begin.


I politely ask, that you add new content, such as new units, techs, civs, that my comrades have said so many times before.
Please, I believe, that evryone including me, will buy new content, if it deserves the payment, so it must be a good update, and we will buy it, but you must make the first step and update the game first, because it has many bugs and bad pathfinding and bad programming. After that you add new things to the game, and that will bring you payment, I assure you that, well, at least from me. Thank you, greetings


I agree with you on this! Forgotten Empires is here to show us how far a modding team can go.

My point, however, is that they have took the initiative at a time the Age series was, well, dead. No game came after Age III, Ensemble Studio had been shut down, and no updates to the old entries in the series were coming.
Now, the series is full of life and energy again, perhaps as it has never been before. We have not one, but three studios working on the Age games! Great professionals are being paid to take care of this product.

People like me and many others have been writing post after post on this forum with countless suggestions to improve the first Age Definitive Edition since before the game launch, even. Let alone the, literally, dozens of bugs the game have since the release, almost FOUR years ago.
We paid for this and our money has the same value than the money that paid for Age II or III.

I invite you to run the forum’s topic list and see for yourself the amount of suggestions and complains we have wrote since the game’s announcement :wink: