Collection for hypothetical "Western Roman" Civs

Thanks. Maybe will fall under old Incas tier maybe. An eternal “B” tier with no great strength nor big weakness. So barely have a tournament pick but solid performance on ladder.

Tbh I think Rome could’ve been a Low Hanging Fruit for Microsoft. The most they had to do is give us a Roman Ballista: the legionaire & everything else are already in the game (as scenario units). They should’ve just collected these items & create an easy, still very expected, civ.

They should’ve created Rome, but added some other very expected civs.

About your proposals, I don’t really like the castle thing: wasn’t exceeding the population limit one of the things that made the Goths unique?

That Pax Romana looks very nice. It’s a game changer, but for very specific situations.

In AoEO is Auxilia camp…maybe can be similar to that…

I don’t know how it worked in AOEO, but the idea is recruiting other players’ unique unit.

The Auxilia Camp, which trains units of historically non-Roman origin (and serves essentially as a combination between the Archery Range and Stable).Can create the Balearic Slinger, the Cretan Bowman and the Gallic Horseman…


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The same units every time to give a bit of flavour to their roster, while my idea is to hire other players’ UU, depending on who is on the map. The Romans faced some Germans, they hired other Germans. Some Huns on the horizon, let’s hire them. Had they faced some Japanese or Aztecs, I’m sure they’d have thrown gold at the problem.

Oh, i understand, it would be like the bar/tavern of AoE 3 or being able to create condottieros with Italian ally or Keshiks with Tatar ally…

I have tried to make a balanced and historically semi accurate civilization based on the Western Roman Empire in the time close to the games time period.

Civ bonus:

  • Start with only 50 food and wood.
  • Villager gatherrate -5%/-10%/-15%/-20% for every age.
  • Military units -20% attack.

Team bonus:

  • You gain 10% resources from Romes income.

Unique unit:

  • Legionary: more hp and attack for every other Legionary near it.

Unique technology:

  • Sack of Rome: Lose half of your resources.
  • Foederati: militia is free, but +200% train time.

Tech Tree:

  • Misses all technologies except the ones in dark age.

Unique Building:

  • Fort: replaces Castle, available in dark age, costs only 500 wood. Can train Legionary and any other barracks unit.

Neutrals and enemies though.

Keep in mind you’d need being very strategic about it. Most UU benefit from some civ bonus or UT from their own civ, the Romans would have none of that (not even their own UT, diocletianic reforms, would affect the auxillia barracks), also lacking some armour tech (they could no longer afford the iconic lorica segmentata), so for most units just playing as a copycat would mean being at a disadvantage.

Oh, I understand I understand…

Interesting, but I doubt anyone will develop it in the middle of a game xd …

I think this ridiculously weak civ, only having the ability of unleashing hordes of basic militia if surviving to the late imperial age, was a joke :wink:

Yes, it is like the Goths or the Burgundians but in reverse xd…