FPL & ESOC Competitive players PUP Change list feedback,
Hey, as competitive top players of Aoe3, we wanted to share our thoughts about the recent Public Update Preview - March Update. The list has been prepared among the agreement of FPL & ESO-C Competitive team players, with contributions from known retired top players such as Hazza aka haitch, diarouga have their confirmation to these changes. Please keep it in mind, this is solely written for competitive level balance and may not reflect all levels. As competitive players of Aoe3, we think It’s important to have those changes reverted to keep the balance of the game in a healthy spot, in the upcoming days we are planning to release a competitive community balance suggestions.
Manor House: Cost increased to 140 wood (from 135 wood); Build+KillXP adjusted accordingly to 28 and 84 (from 27 and 81).
Manor house cost has already been increased to 140 wood in the previous patches, which was reverted, with 3 villagers also being removed from British, this will be potential to reduce the British playability to even lower levels at top level
[NEW] Hand Infantry Combat (III): Added to homecity, improves Shotel Warrior hitpoints and damage by 15%.
This is one of the most dangerous shipment added by this patch, Shotel Warriors have already been a balance concern for a long time with how good ROF they have which works against all infantry, while it’s more a unit that requires cost increase and other balance changes, this change will result shotel warriors be at the level of Sweden hakka in the previous patches.
British Firearms (III): No longer improves the damage of all heavy ranged cavalry but instead improves the ranged damage of all Ethiopian infantry and cavalry units armed with firearms by 5% (Oromo Warrior, Neftenya, Levied Gunner, Ras).
Ethiopia already has one of the best late game units in the game, this change will result the case to get to even worse while actual need of ethiopia is becoming to balanced stage
Chincha Raft: Range reduced to 20 (from 22) and now inflicts 0.25x bonus damage against villagers.
While we agree warships having lesser attack to villagers, adding a 0.5x for other warships would be a good appraoch
Cost decreased to 90 food 35 wood (From 100 food 35 wood).
Building damage increased to 35 (from 25).
Melee damage reduced to 14 (from 18), but ROF improved to 1.25 (from 1.5).
One of the most dangerous buff among with shotel warriors change, Rajputs were already in a very strong spot and with this change, they will be way strong and spammable in many ways, a pike with 5.5 can’t be dealt by most of the units as seen by the Mexico Insurgente example, this change should be reverted completely.
[NEW] Sienese Financers (II): Deposit 1000 Food into your Lombards, which will grant you Coin and Wood over time.
[NEW] Luccan Financers (III): Deposits 1500 Wood into your Lombards, which will grant you Coin and Food over time.
Albanian Company (III): Now sends 4 Stradiots and 4 Bosniaks (up 4 Stradiots and 3 Bosniaks).
Italy was one of the most over-whelming civilisation and in the need of requiring nerfs especially to it’s age 2 politician where they get outpost, architects being able to build many outposts, this change will result an already strong civilisation to over-perform and make competition in a bad spot, ideally all of those changes should be removed and Italy should have additional penalties to not be able to go fast industrial age without requiring to make decent amount of units
Shipments: Added a 2% penalty to their shipment curve to balance the hitpoints per card bonus.
This is not going to fix the malta having over whelming units and artillery, a change that focuses at removing 2% from artillery is extremely essential to balance malta.
Abus Gunner: Ranged resistance decreased to 20% (from 25%)
While this is a good start, Abus gunners still need a further change
New Order Infantry (III, Palace Intrigue): Now also sends 20 Nizam Fusiliers (up from 15).
This change results over-whelming buff for ottoman, it’s been unpopular to make Nizam soldiers but this change should be reverted as it has too much value