As long as pixar/disney’s mil*s are displayed in the ads.
I found in the scenario editor the “unknow drummer” who plays the first notes of the main theme of age of empires 3 when he moves
It also has a power that has the “regiment lock formation” sprite from the game’s alpha.
There is a drummer unit from the legacy scenario editor. It has a corrupted “create army” ability with no real functions.
This unknown version seems to be a meme based on that unit.
In my opinion, Drummer should become a unit available in all Royal Houses (not just Hannover Royal House). Ensign, which also appears in the Scenario Editor, should also be available in the Royal Houses.
that was a good one never got it so far
does the native civ train speed increase work on factories i wonder
- “Mysterious” usually resources for the team
- Resource and xp trickles
- Building wagon
- Instantly transforms into a watch tower
I’ve also seen a market with all age 1 techs free.
Also, water map seems much less frequent.
“Map type” (as indicated by the trade post and embassy appearance) is independent from the natives spawned. I think it determines treasure types though.
The most frequent geography I’ve seen (from ~50 games) is one with a square forest or impassible plateau in the middle.
Je vous remercie pour cela, en effet dans TAD je trouvais dommage que unknow ne générait pas des natifs asiatique.
Oh my god, the 15/15 card in Age III affects them, doesn’t it? They pair with Marines and Gatlings so so well.
w8 unit you get spanish samurais with triple card upgrades for +30% samurais
The dojo start is OP for all civs , except Japan xD
Since for every other civ, the units Shadow Upgrade, with age up
But the shadow upgrades are Soo strong xD
Imagina a fast industrial , getting up the free samurais, and then just run through
another very funny combo from the dojos is brit with yabusame, since you can get yabusame with +30% and range cavalry caracole, for 20 range yabusame
First time I’d ever gotten a factory wagon.
But wasted on a circular trade route map that I hate.
Still, was cool to see something I haven’t yet come across besides the other thing that is being kept hush-hush.