Composite bow man is supperman, together savar

Hi anyone watch new archer with ignore armor, :)))) no frame delay, not have thumbring but still strong = update thumb ring :rofl::rofl::rofl::grin: good good micro new civ= new supperman of AOE 2
And cheap??? What??? Thing with Microsoft

I understand English isn’t your first or possibly 3rd language and no mockery will I give you, but what point are you trying to make… did I also mention try using one P in super


His point is clear: the Composite Bowman is OP. Is it true that it doesn’t have frame delay? If so, I agree with the OP.

hahhaah OP means two different things, that’s why I advocate against abbreviations.


Their arrows animation looks insane

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I lack some words watch review YouTube :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:. But yes I mean this bow so OP

Not sure, but watch review on YouTube look like this thing, DLC near by time have much supper hero, @@ charkam is an example a

Look cheaper and stronger:))) what??? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: oyyy Microsoft

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I rly like the age of empires 1 styles straight arrows. Nice ##### But irngorr armor Iid op as discusion in other thread. Shoild be ignore half

The censoring on this forum is insane I only used normal words. ###### so stupid

I don’t think it is OP, i’m more worry about the new Warrior Monk and the new Mule Cart.
Warrior Monk needed Atonement to convert and the Mule Cart not counting as 1 unit/pop it is what worries me.
I think the Leftist is more broken that the Composite Bowman.

Comp bows train faster and is easuer to keep the alive because is a ranged unit, plus also wayy cheaper than Leitis (that train slower and cost more).

Is it really? Training time is 2 to 1; easier to keep it alive because it has mobility (you can choose your fights). 5 gold more expensive and cost food instead of wood. 13/16 attack against 4 without relics.
I really think that the Leitis or even the Longbowman are more broken than the Composite Bowman

Rattan lose before they, how u think longbow can do better. -_- no frame delay+ cheap :v

The same but need 1 other topic for it, infantry can carry relic and run faster monk. Fighting better Sejian( on YouTube you can check it. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I worry about Savar of Persia too update cheaper + strong. Look 3 new civ 3 supperman:v

Really? I honestly really hate the flat arrow path, it feels super unnatural and is really really jarring to me. It was one of the most off-putting things about RoR honestly (which I only played to get the achievements anyway).

I guess the intention is to show that the arrow of the composite bows are so strong that they pierce even through any pierce armor

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Yes but cost pay for it cheap so can make they OP @@.

this topic made me hungry. whats for supper today?


Infantry of Armenia, :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face: