Does anyone know if the icons for the unit types (cav, gunpower infantry, artillery ect.) used in a consulate army are located anywhere? I would like to use them to create custom consulate armies but I could not find their location.
In the Resource Manager search for “consulate”
Thank you for the response. The only things I could find in UIResources1 are the consulate army icons. I’m looking more for the unit type icons like this.

It may be that what I’m looking for doesn’t exist in the game files. If that’s the case it would probably be easy enough to cut the unit type icons from the existing consulate army icons.
In the Resource Manager you can search for terms like “banner” “dojo” “army” etc. Maybe that can help you.
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Thank you! That was one of the icons I needed and your tips helped me find something easier to extract the other icons from.
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