Discuss Coop Campaign
So I wrote a long review, but got an error from the website. Instead I want to simply say, it works. It works great! Just invite your friend, don’t change anything, and press start!
It’s amazingly fun, and I REALLY hope the mod author converts all of the other missions into COOP too, and the other campaigns. My friend and I will be playing each one multiple times.
I wish the end of mission cutscenes could play, but I assume that’s just not possible in MP.
Play this with a friend, and come back and give it a good rating. Tell the mod author how much you love it, and let’s hope future releases from AoM R can have more COOP missions like these!!!
Thanks for the encouraging words!
I’ve nearly finished converting the remaining scenarios in the Fall of the Trident campaign, and am planning to convert the other campaigns after that.
In terms of the cutscenes, those are actually separate scenarios, so it won’t be possible to play them automatically at the beginning/end of the levels. Currently, your best option would be to copy the cutscene scenarios from the system folder into your scenario folder - then you could watch them as a custom scenario in skirmish mode.
I would consider making coop versions of the cutscenes after the campaigns are all done (so you can watch them together and have unit colours be consistent with the coop levels), but that’s obviously a lower priority at the moment.
I downloaded the coop campaign thenone with 21 missions, and cnat get it to work with a friend, it just gets rid of the ai slot when he joins and leaves it open and i cant change it… should i be downloading the individual mission mods instead of all 21? Thank you cant wait to play them with a buddy
Hi, the one with 21 missions should work fine, but I have noticed the players tend to get mixed up if you change the scenario after creating the lobby.
If you select the mission when creating up the lobby (in the menu that appears when you click Host Game), then don’t change any settings once the lobby is open, do you still have the same problems?
Fantastic, I tried to leave a 5 start review but the site crashed. This is phenomenal and i’m so happy that you’re considering doing the other campaigns as well. Doing the missions titan in coop is a great experience.
This is the definitive way to play the game coop, thank you for creating it!
The remaining Fall of the Trident scenarios have now been added, meaning the entire Fall of the Trident campaign is now available to play!
If you experience any issues with a particular level, let me know and I’ll take a look.
I’ll start working on the other campaigns next, and they will be added at some point in the future.
Really cool work, am enjoying the campaign like this.
My friend and I are getting deyncs on mission 8 after the opening cutscene ends just when we would get control normally. Tried a few times now but same result.
We also got a desync on the second part of mission 6 when the cutscene infiltrating Troy ends, didn’t try that again however.
We’re playing on Titan if it matters.
Fantastic, thank you for creating this I will give feedback if I have any sync errors.
Looking forward to more from you this is brilliant stuff
Trying this with a friend, literally unplayable, we got desync errors on map 1 & 2 but worked eventually, now on mission 3 , 8x desync straight from the start & impossible to start missions.
Thanks I will try it with my sister, please do also the others campaign
whenwever i try to play the mod with a friend we have a desync in each of the scenarios no mater which one we try out. any tips how to fix that
Hi, I initially had issues with every scenario as well.
If you are using the voice swap to restore the original voices it causes a massive amount of sync errors, I would first advise disabling that.
After that, if you are using any other campaign related mods I would advise disabling those, I still get the occasional sync error but they are pretty rare with those mods disabled.
I hope this helps!
Used the mod, disabled it & it still kept failing, I love the attempt at a coop campaign that the modder did but it isn’t fun repeating the same thing many times over & fail cause of desync.
So far I’ve played the first 3 games with my sister, and it’s working like a charm! I’m in Asia and she’s in Europe, so I’ve hosted the games on US servers. Also, the 2 of us haven’t added any mods to the game ( Both of us just downloaded the coop campaigns ) and we haven’t touched the game settings (launched in Titan difficulty). No issue of desynchro for the moment.
Edit : I did the 7 first mission, the 4 impossible to do, desynchro everytime just after the cutscene
Currently on mission 30 , after the initial rough start there were no issues (aside from like 3 sync errors in 20 missions).
Overal it is a great time, though I recommend playing on titan since even for me & my bud on hard it felt like a snooze occasionally, it could be that the mod breaks some AI aggression.
I hope there is some possibility for an atlantean campaign (maybe also the mini campaign of golden gift) but it was a good time to play the campaign in coop once the crashes stopped happening.
Glad to hear people are enjoying the scenarios, despite the frustrating sync issues.
While making and testing the scenarios, there were certain triggers that caused desyncs every time. This at least meant these issues could be tracked down and fixed.
Unfortunately, most of the sync issues weren’t consistent. Often I would get a sync error on the first attempt or two (generally at the end of cutscenes, because a lot of triggers are executed when beginning gameplay), but would then be able to play through the entire level without any issues. If I changed something and was able to play without a desync, there would be no way of knowing for sure if the issue was fixed, or I was just lucky, making these sync errors near impossible to track down and fix
Fortunately, it seems each update comes with fixes for a number of sync issues, so fingers crossed the coop experience will become more stable over time.
In terms of difficulty, I’ve tried to keep the levels as close to the originals as possible, often just distributing the starting units and resources between the two players. I don’t think there should be any differences in AI aggression - most likely the fact each player starts with a town/village center gives the players a decent head start, making the levels easier.
I would be open to tuning some levels to be more balanced for coop, but as it takes long enough to convert each level as is, I’d only consider doing that for a few levels that are better suited to coop to begin with.
Finally, I’ve started work on the Atlantean campaign and expect that to be ready within a couple of weeks.
Thanks everyone for playing my coop campaign and persisting through the sync errors
I’ve got to the 25th mission in co-op, everything’s OK so far just game 4 which we never managed to do (desynchro error) I’d like to try it again. We almost never experienced any desynchronisation errors after that.
As for the behaviour of the AIs and the balancing of co-op games, I think you’re right to leave everything as it is and not try to modify or add extra AIs to increase the difficulty. That would take a lot of time and wouldn’t necessarily be very useful, because it’s already a lot of fun as it is and the games seem fairly balanced and even quite difficult to complete on Titan difficulty.
It’s really good news that you’ll be able to do the Atlantean campaign, and I hope that all the others will follow, including the Chinese campaign when it comes out Thanks for your fantastic work in any case.
Hello. Thanks for your mod. I see and error when I start the scenario, and the AI does not attack or whatever even in high difficulties. But there is no sync error because I can play with the other player.
Hi, could you tell me which scenario are you trying to play, and what error message you are seeing when starting the scenario?