Could there be Age of Mythology 2 after AoE4? Microsoft is apparently planning to take care of their Age of Mythology games series

AoM was a product of its time, many ideas there are extremely outdated.
I think it would be really better to skip DE for it and go ahead to 2.

As for factions:
Greeks, Egyptians, Norse, Atlanteans and Chinese were in original.

I kind of wonder what could there be too?
I mean there are quite many.

Mythologies by region


Further information: Traditional African religions

Central Africa

East Africa

North Africa

Southern Africa

West Africa

Further information: West African mythology

African Diasporic

Further information: Afro-American religion


Central Asia

Northeast Asia

South Asia

Southeast Asia

West Asia / Middle East

Further information: Religions of the ancient Near East




Further information: European folklore

Eastern Europe

Northern Europe

Further information: Scandinavian folklore

Southern Europe

Western Europe


Main article: Mythologies of the indigenous peoples of the Americas

Further information: American Folklore

North America

Central America

South America

Mythologies by religion

Further information: Religion and mythology

Mythologies by time period

Ancient mythologies by period of first attestation.

Bronze Age

Iron Age

Late Antiquity

Fictional mythologies

Further information: Mythopoeia

Rise of Nations 2 could be next game after Age of Mythology 2.