This game continually crashes since the update every time we party up . This has made the game unplayable please fix please help , no mods re installed game and Xbox series x , update for new season killed the game
Bruh, that be why you should join… THE PC MASTER RACE!!! MUAHHAHAHAAH!!!
That doesn’t help me or anyone else having the issue
Same thing is happening here. Solo seems to work but anytime someone enters your party to team up, the game dashboards immediately. Went from playing every single day, to not playing at all, the game is dead
Yep same issue here we try to join up and then get dashboarded everytime…
Same issue for my friend, we’re on Xbox. Always play with the same 3 people, they are the only one with this problem. They can play solo matches, online, with no problem. However, if they’re in a group, they crash.
Sometimes the crash happens before we even queue, sometimes it happens during queue, sometimes is happens right as we find a match. It’s always in a group though.
Things we’ve tried, all with the same result of the game crashing for my friend:
- We tried having them host, but with the same crashing result.
- We tried having other people host, with the same crashing result.
- We all cleared our game caches, reset our games, reset our consoles, with the same crashing result.
- My friend deleted all mods he had, with the same crashing result.
It’s been like this since the latest update on like Oct. 22, 2024. We’ve tried queueing over a dozen times now, so it doesn’t seem to be a fluke. Hoping this gets enough visibility for dev!
Mismo problema no se puede jugar
Same problem for me. The game crashes a few minutes after logging in or after forming a group within the game on. Sometimes we are lucky enough to get in a group but then while searching for ranked OR quick match the game will repeatedly crash for everyone in the group. Me and my friends really enjoy this game, however the frustration of even attempting to play is driving many of us away.
Playing on PC, having the same issues. Had it since the update prior to this one.
I can play single player just fine, but the moment I go into Multiplayer, I crash. Either in Queue, during queue or in a game.
I got discouraged…
In season 8 I already had this problem, but in season 9 it still persists and seems even worse…
Description of my problem:
Every time I play with friends in a multiplayer party. Usually at some point the game gives an error and we can’t finish it.
This is annoying… it usually says a synchronization error and other times it doesn’t say anything and closes.
The strange thing is that this is the only game that gives the problem… we play other Steam games in party and they all work… but AoE4 has serious problems when playing in party…
Sometimes we finish the game without problems… and sometimes after several minutes of playing, the game crashes out of nowhere…
Please fix it…
My friends and I are not going to buy any more DLC, if the game continues like this… what’s the point… we can no longer play a simple multiplayer game in peace.
Yea I am on xbox too, and I’ve lost sooo many games because of crashes. It’s completely discouraging. I had not had a single crash until this recent update. Hopefully they fix this
I am on PC and since the update I keep losing connection in game there is nothing wrong with my hardware or home internet connection here is a sceenshot
I’ve tried everything, alt accounts, hard reset Xbox, clear cache, uninstalled games for more storage, uninstall reinstall the game ( multiple times ), some times when it crashes it has a pop up error message that says something like “Running out of memory” . But I can’t read the full thing. This is really frustrating this game is one of my favorites and it’s the only game my dad actually plays.
I even tried it on my laptop with cloud gaming and it still crashes. This is actually ridiculous.
I Crash twice today,both of them happen when i age up to age3,i think its a old bug but happen again
Happening on Xbox Series X, crashing every 5-10 minutes or while trying to play with friends, internal xbox hard drive isn’t full, no mods, wired internet connections, started happening since the latest updates, have reinstalled and tried using the external storage as well. Sometimes this message pops up, sometimes straight to the dashboard. Please help devs
Ive been cloud playing the game on the standard xbox one since release with no issues until this most recent update. I get the exact same message once in a while. Tried installing and still no luck, and also uninstalled every mod. If i make it into a game it runs perfectly. i just cant spend time in menus or pre-lobby, seems i get either instantly kicked or at most 3 minutes then i have to re load and try to make it into a game again.
Fix is here
Not fixed deleting post
Why are you deleting post when we actually found the only way for Xbox players to play again with a temporary work around.
You are an arrogant idiot who didn’t even attempt to do what I said.
I didn’t have an account before this and made one specifically to help AOE players out
So I’ve said it’s been attempted and it’s still misinformation, you cannot say the issue has been fixed if ur using a trick , it leads devs to believe it’s not an issue . When actually most of Xbox can’t party up without this “trick”
And even so… ppl still crash regularly… enough with ur fake news , I hope mods mute you asap