Cross platform?

Hello. Ive been emailing sony and microsoft for 3 years to try to put one of your games into a game console and i would be first in line to purchase it. Id like to buy a new pc specifically for this game but its simply out of my budget. Id like to hear some feedback

Which game? Most have fairly low PC system requirements.

No, this game should be exclusive to computer like systems like PC, Mac and Linux. Console controls are lacking and AoE was designed for PC like systems.

@Tyrantissar said:
No, this game should be exclusive to computer like systems like PC, Mac and Linux. Console controls are lacking and AoE was designed for PC like systems.

Indeed. It would have to be dumbed down for it to work using a game controller (and for the peasants to comprehend that this game exists).

After all, the game was designed for PC as you have stated.

The day you can play competitive RTS games on console, is the day I give up on gaming.

Sony and Microsoft being friend and co-working in gaming industry? Lol.

it’s funny, i don’t remember playing age of empires 1 on xbox or play station 1. Why should it even remotely be considered cross platform?

PC exclusive game…

Just incase i get a few idiots in here who reply to my msg.

I don’t ever remember AoE being on… MAC, Apple or linux pretty sure it was a… Drum roll please.


@Tyrantissar said:
No, this game should be exclusive to computer like systems like PC, Mac and Linux. Console controls are lacking and AoE was designed for PC like systems.

not true the xbox control can make up for its lack of control with button combos, and xbox one uses windows 10 much like the computer im using. and ive played with these console gamers since ensemble stopped making these games. i know a great and many people who would purchase this game if it were xbox compatible at least. also you can plug a mouse and keyboard into the xbox one and they are completely usable, the console even sits above the system requirements to run even the heftiest of AOE games