Interesting things about BR:
We have all played the new Battle Royale Game mode that was introduced in the November Anniversary Update. There are a few interesting things about the BR game mode, which hint at some interesting possibilities for the game:
You must have noticed that when playing BR, the game displays a message on screen saying “Player has captured a camp” or “Player has captured a castle” or “Player has no units left” that notify players of these happenings around the map. Interestingly, these message boxes are (or at least appear) identical to the ones produced by the “Display Instructions” effect that can be used in the scenario editor.
These “Display Instructions” message boxes are shown only when certain conditions (own objects, trade workshop; own objects, castle; player defeated) are met. This leads me to believe that internally, BR might be using the same condition/effect framework which the scenario editor uses for triggers.
Having tried to play BR on Arabia, I found out that you do not need to use the BR maps for the game mode to work, they will actually work on any random map you want to play on. However, the game mode does not automatically generate the Gaia military buildings and the camps, those are generated by the RMS used for BR. (The BR maps are just regular RMS maps)
This means that if what I have said above (point 3) is true then BR is the first game mode to utilise a condition/effect system that can be used independently on any RMS map! (the conditions and effects specific to BR are probably hardcoded, but I guess it uses the same internal framework which the scenario editor uses for making triggers possible)
What does all of this mean?
Having said all of that, you probably know where I am going with this… if it is possible for BR to do this (i.e., combine RMS and Triggers together) is there any slight chance that we might be looking at a potential scenario editor feature that incorporates this, i.e., generating random maps from an RMS each time a scenario is played?
Right now, almost anything is possible in the scenario editor. It is possible to make new and interesting, whacky or funny game modes by only using the editor (no mods required!!). I love the fact that DE’s scenario editor has been receiving so much love lately, with all the cool new effects and conditions, the xs scripts which are an absolute game-changer for scenarios, which opened up an even broader world of possibilities than ever before.
The ONLY catch with it right now is that maps in scenarios cannot be randomised, they are always the same each time they are played. This means that scenarios which are meant as custom game modes have very low replayability, and a new map must be manually generated each time that you want to play the scenario.
The main request:
If we had a feature that let us use an RMS script to randomly generate new maps each time a scenario was played, it would lift this limitation of replayability that I have mentioned above. That would bring scenarios and map-making up to a whole new level and would allow for WAAAAAAYYYY more than what was even remotely possible with UserPatch, very easily doable on DE.