I know such thread has been opened months ago once before, but I want to bring new light to it.
And more inside became public just now.
To the developers: I know, this has no priority what so ever (if not already included).
It looks easier to the eye.
It gives everything a more serious look.
It seems to improve readability.
I do have to give you credit to stick to the bright mode though.
While cloudy/evening/night mode looks more realistic (and easier to read), it just doesn’t look as motivating as the bright mode.
Even though looks suffer in my eyes: It simply makes more fun, in the sun.
Yet, if there was a system, that had like 4/6 day time, 1/6 evening time and 1/6 of night time (or sun, weather, evening) as an optional feature, I think many people would enjoy the strong atmosphere it created.
It may even affect the time when people choose to start an attack.
But I do understand, that there is no need for it now and that the competitive scene might have no use for it.
Imagine what it’d be to reenact something like the Battle for Helm’s Deep, at night and raining. Or having different civs have bonuses under certain weather conditions and time of day.
The weather can be used as an opportunity to attack. It’s the same at night.
This is a very interesting “playability”.
I mentioned this a long time ago, and no developer has replied.
If they end up with a campaign in Ireland I guarantee that it is the most historically accurate to never have a sunny day. Can confirm that those don’t exist here.
Some RTS have had at least dusk/dawn ambience in the past, albeit locked to specific maps. BfME had “freezing rain” and “darkness” which triggered rain effects or an overcast sky along with specific bonuses.