Decaying Corpses and Skeletons

You’re reading too much into this. No one cares about random game mods. Geez.

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What was the workaround?

Any form of visible skull or bone had to be removed from the game or the game would have not been allowed to be played and sold in China.

They turned random deko slettons into bread, yes bread. And undead just got skin

There are skeletons in the scenario editor in AOE2 DE. So. This does not conform with the stupid a-s-s rule :stuck_out_tongue:


For me the biggest problem is how fast some unit’s corpses disappear. If your units die off screen, you have only a small window to catch them before their disappear, and then you don’t know where or who killed them 11

My Visible Corpses mod fixes exactly this issue :slightly_smiling_face:
In addition to enjoying gory battlefields it is often very informative to know, which units died where. Helps refining battle tactics.


Could you help include skeletons along with the decay process?

No, in order to add skeletons I would have to actually create skeleton graphics and this seems really hard. Developers have to create decaying into skeleton for their 3d models and then export these in all 16 angles like they have done for other unit graphics.

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A blood, skulls and skeletons mod would be nice for the designers to add. Maybe also a civilisation-unique kings and queens, monks and merchants too. If not individual civilisations, at least by buildings set clusters.

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Hello everyone, as the title says, I think these features are inherent to the game, the bones and corpses need to be back, the old font needs to be back. I’m sure the zoom out can be better, and the score size is way too big.


I concur on these. I’m not a fan of the new font either. And if the new font is mainly for accessibility reasons, then it could still remain but be under accessibility settings, so that we can enable old/disable new whenever we wish


Also would like corpses in the editor that do not start rotting.


Have you switched the font already?

Have you switched the UI scale already?

I switched the font, the change doesn’t last, did u manage to change it? also, I did the UI thing, everything scale but the score size, try it.

I hear this type of thing is not planned to be in AoE4 either, as they aim for a ‘low Teen’ rating in AoE4, to try to appeal to a wider swath and wider age range of gamers. Ugh :neutral_face:

I wonder if that’s why they’re omitting it from AoE2:DE so far. (Hopefully the upcoming December update fixes this).

Mods should not be the solution! Should be developed into the game with an ON/OFF toggle. Put a Parental Lock on the setting if you need to, so parents can lock it OFF with a passcode.

Why do games/franchises I love always have to go this route of mainstreaming? I’ve not seen many instances of games that do well or are as fun for me to play as they should be when they try to appeal to everyone; especially not for established franchises like AoE. Game franchises have been ruined by this sort of thing (i.e., Thief). I was hoping AoE Online would have gotten this sort of thing out of their system. AoE3 was already too much mainstreaming for my tastes.

As long-time supporters and early adopters of the AoE franchise, we should be rewarded for investing all our time and money into it over the years to keep it relevant, rather than side-stepped in favor of bringing more players into the fray. Which is why I say: just add it (blood/corposes) to the game, make it a toggle, and call it good.

Once a game or franchise goes AAA, the devs/publishers are too worried about recouping the billions, figuratively speaking, spent on developing, so they try to make a game that everyone from age 5+ can play. That’s why they should treat games like AoE as an Indie type of franchise with a niche group of players; so they spend farrr less on it. I don’t want to see it ruined, nerfed, or cartoon-ized by being too AAA.

Since they’re removing blood from AoE, I also recommend that blood be removed from Gears of Wars and have those characters shoot squirt guns. (I don’t play GoW, so wouldn’t care, personally. But why should that franchise get to be rated "M"ature? Why not get rid of the violence and target it for low-teens, as well?)


You can add varied and gruesome blood into game with Crimson Blood and make dead units more visible with mod that I will release very soon :slightly_smiling_face:


omg, kids are so soft these days (or parents), I imagined this thing you are saying too. There must definitely be a toggle option then, if that is the problem.


looks nice man, can the mod be applied to multiplayer game?

Yes, it can (works in standard game, campaigns, multiplayer, replays), because it is not a data mod :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry you have to be doing this, rather than it being built into the game. Is there a way we will be able to make the blood more transparent so it blends in with the ground more (i.e., maybe a couple setting options we can choose from)? It seems pretty vibrant/saturated right now