Decreasing multiplayer rating

Your rating is probably inflated because the miscalculation (See Analyses of the ratings - Spotting the issues for more details).
The devs are trying to solve the issue. At least they fixed the error in the calculation, but now you can exploit the rating differently. The devs also didnt clean up the mess they made. Not sure when (or if) they will clean up their mess. My suggestion is to have a full reset of the ladder. That will fix your issue.

Then you also have an other issue: Some people in the lobby think you are a pro if you just have a rating on the ranked ladders. Even if it is low, you still gets a kick for being not a noob from the host. On the other side Unranked elo is applied to the lobby, but not visible ingame. I have seen people with 2500 unranked elo and a win rate of 80+% who still are hosting noob lobbies. Since they dont have a ranked rating, they are free to join every noob lobby without issues. As result the lobby is a pretty toxic place in general. I made some suggestions so the devs can improve the lobby (How to improve the lobby?), but i have no idea if the devs have plans to improve the lobby in the future.

There are kind of two options:

  • just quitting every team games in the first second. People will hate you for that behaviour, since you are ruining their enjoyment. I do always report these players, but i have no idea if you could recieve a ban for juist quitting that early.
  • Some players make smurf accounts. So you have a second account on which you play. I hate facing smurfs as well. If i am sure i faced a smurf i will report that player as well. Again not sure if the devs do something with all reports.

So there isnt a good solution… You best hope might be just waiting until the devs reset the ladder or do something else to clean up the mess of the team game ladder.