Delhi is OVERPOWER , this need to end now

Ill make this simple, Delhi is over powered using those elephants and Scholars . You cant counter them. It is ALREADY DONE when you see them coming to your base.

Hopefully AOE4 team can find a way to manage this.

Best wishes.


The pro scouts meta has certainly made them worse as they get it for free.


You cant use about 50 Spearman to get them?

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Useless , since we were attacking like more than 10 elephant beside 10 scholars which heal them instantly.

We were 4 players against 1 delhi and we barely kill few . Nonsense.

I don’t think the developers should make balance changed based on this kind of feedback, personally.

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Remember this once you face them

Did you try to kill the scholars before the elephants? Last weekend we were successful in doing that and using bombards and wololo (conversion)

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You are probably being very slow in the game (or bad build order), or you are insisting on using “favorite” units that are not efficient in the type of situation you are experiencing in your game, or you lack skill and tactical positioning.

I watched some streamers, and they ended up facing Delhi at some point and luckily I got to watch some matches where they faced elephant rushes, and guess what, they managed to repel and kill all the elephants, including the priests. It didn’t seem like the end of the world.

Honestly, you did something very wrong in your game… I recommend you look for strategies or videos of streamers fighting several elephants simultaneously and you will have your answer. You will have to practice a build order, improve your game speed and strategy.

There is no point in me writing a huge text if you can search and find good Replays right there.


Delhi are oppressive, but the main thing is not letting them do what they want in a game.

If they stay in feudal then you need to be ready for a fight, they won’t need many buildings to have a large army. You can’t let them hold any sacred sites, they earn 125 gold per minute. That’s about 3 villagers on gold for each sacred site that they hold. Their upgrades are free, that’s insane value. Think of it like a clock ticking down, the longer you wait the harder they are to fight.

Target wood and food when going into their base. Don’t let them grab relics if they FC, they’ll have monks ready to go and they move faster/see farther than most other monks.

If it’s a teamgame and they get the opportunity to go fast imp and build up 20 elephants and push you with a deathball many things went wrong. Idk what else to say, don’t let them build up at home with no pressure for 20 minutes.

Delhi is the civilization that you cannot leave alone, they need to be pressured all game. Very punishing for players that are used to turtling in base and smashing armies together >20 minutes in.

Units that counter elephants

Castle age:

  • mass spearman/crossbow
  • horsemen (use only on tower elephant)
  • Knights

Imperial age:

  • handcannon
  • bombard

Elephants are 1000-750 resources/3 pop each. If they have 30, then you need to think of countering that with 30k-22.5k value. For knights as a reference that’s 125-94 units. Do not let them get to that point, you can’t match their cost.


I believe the problem is we do lacking of high value anti-cavalry unit in the late game.
In the situation of Large Map & Full Pop, those high value units will be very effective in crushing low value units, thats why people always trained Knights to against Knights but left Spearmen aside.

It is Time to Consider Add Anti-Cavalry Univeral Unit to Every Civ to Deal Knight Spam in Late Game

Like I said in my last post.
Of course the Spearmen can’t fight with Knights in same size. Spearman can only consume 80 resources each Pop which is only 1/3 of Knight.
What they can do in the late game is to consuming Knights Player’s resource to make him no longer got enough gold to train more.

So it’s the same for Elephants.
War Elephant cost 250 resources each Pop, and the Tower Elephant cost 333. But your Spearman can only consume 80.
Of course you can’t fight them.

What do that mean?
As long as enough high-value units are accumulated, victory can be achieved, which is not a good design, especially on Large Map.

I do agree it is still fine in Solo Game, but it does annoyed of Lacking of High Value Anti-Cavalry Unit in the 4v4 Team Game.
Handcannoner are not enough. New unit should be very professional on Anti-Cavalry but not very good when doing others, that’s means they can be countered and will not become sort of new meta.

High Value Unit should be Professional but not Multifunctional, otherwise it will be unable to countered.
We just eliminated Siege Meta, now we gotta deal Cavalry Meta include those Elephant spam.

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I wonder how they will make the promised South India civilization Elephant niche.


Thank you guys for the comments ,

we have tested the following and the result was unbelievable :

fully upgraded English vs Delhi
110 spearman vs 1 elephant = spearman wins
15 Canon vs 1 elephant = elephant wins
30 gun + 50 Longbow vs 20 scholars + 17 Mixed Elephants = elephants wins

lesson learned :
you have to snipe the scholars as fast as you can. if you hit and run , they will heal the elephant fast.
1 more thing, if Delhi living happy for 20 minutes the result is going to be = your are wiped.

Our Strategy now ,
my team and I , Started playing Delhi, Protecting Delhi for 20 minutes, then he know what to do.

Kinds Regards,

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1 Elephant beat 15 Bombard?
That’s incredible, have you take a video of that?

Well, trying to make concepts (I’m about to publish one about Al Andalus right now) I read about India and its possible future civs, and there would be several but… curiously, they wouldn’t have as many elephants as one thinks. But first something about elephants:

  • Indian elephants.- Indian elephants come from the forested zone of India, which was east of the subcontinent. These elephants could not be “born in captivity”, they had to be captured from their herds and then trained as pack or war animals. Therefore, most of the kingdoms of India did not produce their own elephants, but bought them from the kingdom that was east of the subcontinent, which was “ODESA”. Whoever had the trade of ODESA would have more elephants, and that was the Sultanate of Delhi.

  • Southern Chinese Elephants: Outside the Indian subcontinent in the east, and south of China, there is a dense jungle, where there are plenty of elephants, this allowed several kingdoms to also have elephants, which in AoE2 are the Bengali, Brumese, Khmer, Malay. These 4 in AoE4 would have elephants no matter what. In fact, China had war elephants for a time, but it was before the Tang dynasty (outside the game period), as it was difficult to maintain them, as well as difficult to deal with the peoples of the south, they were discarded.

With the Indians, they would be:

1.- Viyajanagara.- They had elephants, and yes, it was part of their main force. I suppose the would share Tower elephant and War elephant with Delhi.

2.- Rajputs.- From the west of India. They had elephants, but their main force was not cavalry.

3.- Chola (or Tamil Dynasties).- From the south of India, they had elephants, but their main force was infantry and navy.

4.- Odesa.- The main exporters of elephants in the Middle Ages, I think they even had “Charging Elephants” as a support unit, and even monks on elephants, they were the masters in elephant units…

By the way, those four would have different architecture and language, so they could not be variants of each other.

In fact, if they make a campaign for Delhi, they will, no matter what, have to include the 4 as enemies in the campaign. Maybe ODESA will not come out in the same DLC, and Hoysala will be a campaign variant of Vijayanagara, but anyway, there would be more Indian civs.

Can’t just counter with 450 handcannons?? Oh, wait… the pop cap is 200 I forgot :sweat_smile:

It’s so stupid, if they reach imperial is game over, team games are a joke with delhi + abasid.