Delhi is Too OP in the Latest PUP

There are situations where I could see justification for delaying efficient production (the easiest one to come up with is full water maps, where you might not even build a military building until castle age, and maybe not even then) The Dome of the Faith is also still produces scholars at a slower rate, and Delhi gameplay works best with a lot of scholars (20 is a good number if you want to go to imp, castle age still likes a large number for relics, techs, efficient production, recapturing sacred sites, and healing). I also find that the gold from sacred sites tends to fall short once you start producing gold units in the castle age.

I suppose that if you have enough scholars in castle or imperial age that you could justify stopping scholar production to instead research techs, but my opinion is that it is hard to have too many scholars.

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I do, (diamondl

I came across a really Fast Castle build where you build your mosk seconds before aging up.

My winrate with Delhi is over 70% with that build, for the last 2 months.

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Thatā€™s misleading? Unless the stats are not up to date; it shoes youā€™ve only played 19 delhi 1v1 ranked games? Yes you have a high win rateā€¦ but only 19? And did you delhi mosque all these games? Most these games?

Lastly will you deny it is several times most common of decent delhi players to make a mosque in dark age rather than not?

YEP yall called it right; new delhi is OFFICALLY OP!! It may not be the MOST OP but Delhi is notably better than it use to be.

  1. The timings are faster with the potential for double mosque feudal with the landmark being 1; the DOF discount is crazy strong b/c scholars do everything they use to do with the exception of combat healing. You can just afford more inside the same time as before EXCEPT you donā€™t need to build additional mosques which saves you wood and build time (from 300w for 3 mosques to 100w and 2 mosques that house more than the 3 pre-patch).

  2. The War Elephant change has definitely shifted the unit in the more functional and AFFORDABLE direction which means you can afford more of them inside a fixed time and afford to lose more of them and have it not cost you the game outright.

  3. Lastly that age 4 HC Tower Elephant is sickly strong! Finally Delhi Imp is worth rushing to IFF you can get a decent mass of HC and Tower elephants.

My personal experience to why I also think Delhi is stronger is that Iā€™m on my way to Conq II with Delhi when I was at best Diamond II/III playing exclusively delhi. Yes I know itā€™s still early in the season but I got 46 games in. Similarly last season when I figured out the Mali FC famriba build I stole Conq I slower than now with Delhi??

Man I have never properly won against delhi. Ever. Probably 1 to 15 games is my win raito against delhi. How to play against Delhi? Never found a proper guide.

Hard to give a good answer without seeing some footage or at least know what civs you play. Generally most important thing vs Delhi is going heavy on feudal military generally and fighting over sacred sites.


This forum didnt age wellā€¦

Delhi has only 1 optimal play style and that is feudal aggression into sacred sites and taking food on the map. But delhi takes a lil bit of work to get going.

Best counters to delhi. Mongols tower rush into keshik archers while trading and contesting sites. Mongols win rates over delhi are fuking brokenā€¦

Likewise ottoman standard dark age into 2 to 3 MS play has a faster and higher peak than delhiā€™s especially if you can get the timing for the Janissary shipmentsā€¦ nothing delhi can do vs itā€¦ again brokennnnnnn.

Where youā€™ll actually need decent to superior skill than the delhi is if youā€™re playing french; same concepts apply-- pressure, contest sites, and 2nd TC. English is busted in Longbowmen we trust as long as you make enough spears and maa to make horsemen micro impossible; English can smother delhi to death. Towers are your friend. And donā€™t be afraid to stone fortify it. Laslty RAMMSSSS. Delhi is the only civ that do not have any mele units (except the scout lulz) with bonus damage vs siege. So Ram pushes into delhi are highly effective if you have the units to support the pushā€¦

Yes, Delhi could do something better, but I donā€™t know how, maybe by improving the landmarks a little perhaps?..