after playing them i feel like they need some love in balancing ,
only useful buff they have is berry gather buff , but its not as good as economic buff of other civ ,
early game :
tower of victory is a scam , only affact infantry and reduce attack time by base 0.15 sec , its close to 10% or lower buff not close to 15% , this is not as good as what other civs get . even a tech that give 1 attack boost demage more
they unique buff of free tech , most tech take 3-5 min to research , which is huge , to get its benifit u need to invest in mosque and scholers which may cost u almost same or more than researching them by resourses , this benifit only truly kik in late game ,
also u cant have fast second tc if u go for tech , and if u go for second tc , ur teches will be very delayed .
only good eco boost u can get is build a mosque fast research fast tech to capture religious site ,
but it has drwaback with weaker units any opponent can prevent u from capturing or keeping the site .
then all u will have not so good early eco and defending with weaker units .
late game :
late game u have no good bonus or tech or landmark for late game , u have a landmark that genrate some food , thats all . also in late game u dont have strong units like many other civs
ur elephants are not strong enough to fight in massive fights neither they have many teches to buff them .
infantry building walls can make u turtle hard , but u dont have any good incentaive vs other civs to late late game as well .
overall they are pretty creativly deisgn civ and very attractive too , but they need some balancing to be compitative .