About the situation of Delhi Elephant’ Units (May 2024)
Ranked 1vs1.- Well, in 1vs1, we have to be honest: Most games end either in Feudal or in the Castle Age, which limits the possibility of using elephants for Delhi, especially when your army in Feudal is already quite good already. Yes, they even have a unique unit in feudal (It was a great success to give him that unique unit, the Ghazi Raider).
In general, I think there should be mechanics to increase the diversity of options in Imperial, so that the game does not stagnate in skirmishes of unlimited production without a winner until one of the band resign. I have the idea of resurrect the Armory building, but with technologies that improve the 7 basic units (spearman, archer, crossbowman, M-a-A, knights, horseman, handcanonner) to improve more their power in Late Game, the elephants and camels would be includad for civs that has them.
Another Gameplay Modes
Of course, ranked 1vs1 is not the only way to play the game, there is the Fornite mode… I mean, “Dominion Free for All”, and also the Ranked in Teams where there is a lot of fighting in Castles and especially in Imperial.
The real problem would be that elephants weren’t used un either Team or Dominion games, then there is a thing that is being doing wrong.
Well, about the last sentence, it’s not like Delhi is that popular in FFA either. Demu actually made a video titled: “Can we win and FFA with Delhi?!” as a irony, and he won, and he had his army of little elephants.
I agree: In general, considering that with the new DLC the experimentation with new civs is more open to being unique and special (Prottoss Order of the Dragon, Dota Joan de Arc, ####### 2 or Zhu Xi, Japan with 14 unique units), and well, specifically speaking:
- The Cataphracts’ Trample ability is great, why not give a similar “Stampede” ability to the War Elephants? It would work similarly and would be cool too.
“Stampede” would be a great name for that ability.
Well, with the proposed improvements to “Stampede”, if it turns out to be very broken, an extra counter aggaints Elephants could be the anti-siege unit:
- Culverins and Springalds could have an extra bonus against elephants, historically they were used that way, and with elephants being “Easy Target” for siege weapons, it would well make sense that the anti-siege have bonus against them.
Of course, the damage that the War Elephant does to buildings could be increased, so at least they would have a useful role, a role that the Siege Elephants of AoE II already have in the Indian civs, including their Delhi version, the Hindustanis.