First, thank you for listening and showing ranks for custom lobbies.
Second, 1v1 should always be quicksearch ranked. I think for 1v1 players, ranked custom would be a step back.
For team players 2v2/3v3 (arguably the majority of players), as shown here: would appreciate ranks for custom games. We appreciate you listening.
We also need seperate ranks for custom and QS, here’s why:
Argument 1, QS & Custom offer different experiences
The types of games custom players want to play are different than what quicksearch provides, so QS ranks are only moderatley correlated with say, your skill on Deccan.
Example 1: Port are in terms of meta, bad on most maps. However on Deccan, Port roughly has a 50% winrate. If a player exclusivley ‘mains’ port, their rank won’t reflect their capabilities on Deccan.
Example 2: China, as we all know excells in age 3. Against competent players, this is however only possible on Deccan.
Example 3: Japan takes too long to get going relative to other factions and you can’t protect the shrines well enough on most maps… however on Deccan once again, players generally can get a 50% winrate.
Argument 2, We unfortunatley don’t like quicksearch
For a lot of 3v3 players, we don’t want to have to climb up MMR in quicksearch for god knows how many games, just to play the part we enjoy!
Argument 3, The slow and silent push to QS:
As I suspect you know and perhaps intended, this system still encourages quicksearch over custom as you can’t improve your MMR in custom.
Argument 4, When quicksearch ‘fails to connect’(happens a lot) you have to find 5 new players.
In custom games, if someone can’t connect… that only effects them but the lobby keeps up. With quicksearch, you have to search for another 5mins just to try again.
Closing argument:
TAD survived for 15 years of custom with custom ranks, please keep in mind there was a reason everyone stopped using QS in TAD, please don’t ignore player emergent behaviour and strongly encourage us to play the way you consider optimal.
Personally I strongly feel as if most veterans of 2v2/3v3 would not switch from TAD to DE.
Seperate Suggestion 2, rank filter:
Could you please consider adding in a ‘rank filter’, where you can only join a lobby if you have X MMR/rank/elo.
This will stop hosts having to keep kicking noobs and them having a bad experience! (I notice a lot of bad reviews on aoe3 were regarding this and their confusion on why they were getting kicked)
Seperate Suggestion 3, match browser
Please consider having the lobbies listed by rank, as this is a big QoL improvement.