HRE was not a united state under single ruler in absolutistic means of rule. In fact, only in the beginning of HRE existence it was the powerful state which began to erode. Bohemian kings were not obliged to pay any taxes. They even were not obliged to provide any army (that was due to nobility rules when only the nobility could agree to send their army abroad).
The Bohemian kings did, however, many raids and crusades on their own. For example the city of Königsberg was established in the honour of one such king.
In fact, the Bohemian kings were so powerful that during many civil wars in HRE it was quite often that challenging would-be emperors seeked their support to win (Fridrich II. for example). Additionally, the Bohemian king had one vote in emperor election.
However, it is true that without Hussite wars there would be no clear distinction from other HRE states to justify their addition into AoE2.