Devs respond to zoom request from beta

If they want us to get used to it they should have let us personalize hotkeys. Because we couldnt copy past hotkey’s from aoe2/3/starcraft we had to search buildings and this was an extremely bad experience. Buildings are way to large and hard to recognize.

With my aoe2 hotkey’s, I dont care how buildings looks like, cuz I will never watch them. (Sorry for graphic designer XD)

For casuals, wich will be the large majority of players, they need to outzoom. Cuz this is how they play rts games.

Why zoom for competitive players when aoe4 is built for casuals also?


The smaller the monitor the easiest you can used to. In 2 days, I used this zoom in my 16 inches screen. But in my 29 inches screen after 6 days of play I know I will never used it. Practically after 8 days I stopped playing beta because I couldn’t stand this point of view.


And to tell a funny story, during beta testing the first 2 days I used only my laptop. The monitor is 16 inches. After I switched to my desktop with a 29 inches monitor, the feeling was a disaster. I decided to play all the next beta days in my desktop till I used it.

The funny is that after some days in my desktop, I decided to log in to my laptop a bit to see again my feeling in a smaller monitor. After the first 3-4 days developers added a patch to the game, which had not be installed in my laptop (but only in my desktop). I installed the patch but I didn’t realized it was the old one. And when I went to a game a miracle happened… Developers fixed the camera. It is a lot better now. I went to beta forums immediately and thanked them for the fix. Obviously it was a mistake…

This is the different between big and small monitors… If you haven’t played the game in a big monitor you can not understand how terrible the zoom setting is. And this is the reason I hear as a joke that zoom has to increase 10%. 10% more height to the camera maybe… but 10% more terrain only as a joke I can hear it.

PS: I know people that says this have in mind their monitor size which I guess is smaller so they say lets rise it a little so that everyone is happy. And I like this type of thought. But right now we are talking if the game is playable or not. In my opinion it is not, and I believe, because I have played almost every RTS out there, I have a good feeling about that. Right now I can’t remember any RTS that shows less buildings than AoE4 at max zoom out in a hill. And I speak generally, taking into mind even games like warcraft 1. Games with resolution 640×480. The fact that you can have in screen many units does not says anything. For me it is a scaling problem between units and buildings.


Totally agree. I’m a die hard fan of AOE but I never play competitive and ranked because my style of game
Play is long while competitive games go for like 30 minutes. I’ve never needed to use hot keys ever. Because zooming in and out did the job perfectly. And I defs aint into playing AOE like League of Legends :joy:


in moba u can “follow camera” after the hero.
U should falloe camera after scout. First Person journey.
in dota u can play from first person, would be awesome to walk as worker.

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All i can say is: Devs PLEASE listen to your players!


I have never shared any of the concerns about AoE4 graphics but the zoom issue is indeed a serious concern for me because it’s impacts gameplay and not just looks.

I hope devs will fix it.


Game design is basicaly flaw and broken, if zoom level is limited.

Player whit big monitor can’t zoom out enouf and need turn head to play.

Players whit litle monitor need to zoom in, to see things.

The problem will occure every new age of empire release, because the monitor resolution will always be bether then the last generation .

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It is the player actualy ruin all the work done on readability.

At game lunch, player just buy the best gear whit the bigest screen…

I will exagerate a litle…

They just ruin their game because of the new 12k screen, that is wide like a tv.

Side note:

People will play age of empire 4 on their apple wach, on their phone, on their google glass, on a outdoor cinema screen and on the 3d rotating hologram machine ( 2 square screen, back to back, rotating in the midle of it self, and each pixel litgh on/of at higth speed. You get a holographic video)

They will stream from their home computer, to their chosen machine and use tuchscreen to use has mouse or keyboard.

Age of empire 1, on the computer, whit windows 98, is way outdated, even if some people still use window 98 on the aple watch…

There’s nothing to fix. They announced that our concerns are invalid.


Just a question @AndyPXIII, did you participate in the closed beta?

Yeah, I’ve played the game for a some time now.

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Well now you’re taking it a little far. That’s not what was said. In fact we don’t even really have the full context of what was said, just a crappy article about the interview. Wish we could see the actual interview itself.


Sure, but they have an entire community team and are well equipped to broadcast any clarification they see appropriate on any number of channels at any time they want. The article is not proof beyond all doubt that’ they don’t intend to make those changes, but it sure shifts the burden of proof back onto the devs to explain things. And their silence and the further context of their interviews seems to give us reason to conclude it’s likely true.


They also didn`t send any info to the beta participants about what they learned from the feedback yet.
So we assume they learned nothing…?


I reeeeeeally hope they do a Q&A for beta testers.


It is exciting the waithing time rigth. :smiley:

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I’d imagine there’s a lot to sift through. I know I gave them like several pages of feedback

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Damn, I remember when they promised this. This makes me sad.

We did our damndest to help them as beta testers and in the end all we got was a crappy badge and silence.

I never post on the internet, but I love Age of Empires and that comment from Isgreen in that article infuriates me. You want to take over and continue this franchise you at least better understand the basics of it. If you don’t want to allow people to zoom out just a bit more because you don’t want to do the work then pack it up and call it a day. How pathetic. Don’t ask for input if you don’t like what you get or better yet insinuate that people don’t know how to play an RTS because they want a better zoom feature? That’s hilarious to me.

For any relic developer who read what I just typed and thinks wow, that’s incredibly cruel and not at all what we meant.

Now you know how I felt when I read your comments in that article.

Communicate better. This is easily something that the hardworking people in your studio can accomplish. It doesn’t have to zoom out too crazy. Look at other games in the franchise and consult your beta feedback to find an amicable solution. Clearly it’s an important issue according to beta feedback.