Devs respond to zoom request from beta

Umm what, you can always zoom in and out in age games, I don’t see why being able to zoom is cheating in any way


I got these off Google images

The bottom one of the English villagers is for sure from one of the advertisements


I reverse googled, and its form some Chineese website, where the orginal picture already has terrible quality. The picture, not the game itself.


Get less blurry screens lol.
Some units seem less finished than others. But this was 4 months ago. (can’t talk about beta quality)
However, if they got all the units to the quality of that monk/crossbowman i’d say its good.


I zoomed in to show the low poly count and cartoony look. When you zoom out with clear pictures, Agoe of Mythology characters actually look more detailed.


Just tryina show how they look like carved blocks when zoomed in, and the metal looks like plastic, as well as their cloths. Reminds me of that small soldiers movie back in the days


Well put.
I had no issue with the camera… hotkey tap to buildings need to go to. Edge screen scroll and that has adjustable speed… the view was just fine. I literally don’t see why the complaints.

if anyone has bothered to watch an interview or get to know Isgreens personality. " You can’t play the game like that " - was said more in zest. Not like a hard a$$ “Blizzard” - “you think you do, but you don’t”.

They’ve tested the game out and probably found such a zoom level … while not rejecting the idea, if honestly enough people wanted it , then perhaps ok. But they probably found it really didn’t assist gameplay/art/immersion/etc, at all.

I played the beta… it was finee.

Only major PRO i can see for extra ZOOM OUT feature is placing walls quicker.

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I enjoyed the Beta but the max zoom levels were indefensibly close. It is an absolute scrolling chore to view a large battle or your whole base. That reduces the strategy element and increases the scrolling around spastically element. This zoom level made some sense when people were playing starcraft at 640x480 in the 90s and could only select 12 units at a time.

“They want to zoom out more. But that’s every RTS game I’ve ever made. People are literally like, ‘I want to zoom the camera out more’, and we’re like, ‘you can’t play the game like that’!”

Mr. Isgreen’s comment is flippant, condescending, and fallacious. People actually can and do play RTS games, INCLUDING AGE OF EMPIRES II DE, at a much further out perspective. Please pretend to have some respect for your customers.

If they do not add substantially better zoom options they are lighting money on fire.


You hit the nail on the head there.

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Just as a perspective. This is a clip of top competitive players playing a tournament.

Look at how zoomed out it is.

And if it were AOE IV, it would be like this

Actually even this is too zoomed out based on AOE IV lol
Anyone who says RTS cannot be played in zoomed out level needs to seriously actually pick up an RTS game and play it.


Not that it changes your point too much, but this is actually someone watching a tournament match, not playing it. No pro player plays at that zoom level.

Here is a more realistic comparison:

The building scale is wrong, but it’s deeper than that


that post was perfect. I could not imagine anything written anything as good as that. I don’t know anyone who can disagree with zooming out after reading that! thank you for posting it

Sure you can “get used” to the zoom

I have to disagree here as well. Like @SmartSquire9636 said, it actually got worse the more I played.
I did not think about this, but it probably has to do with you getting faster in the game, and the magnifying glass effect starts to become more and more of a hindrance.


Yeah same, the better I got at the game the more annoying the camera got because your view is so limited.


Yes but you have a limited zoom out, the default one, I am not against increasing that limited zoom out level a bit, I am against allowing the player to go beyond that zoom limit, not sure if you played a mobas like dota, in that game you can only zoom out on observer mode.

No, but having units almost as big as buildings it’s ridiculous and even doesn’t help readbility at all. I’m not talking about going full real size scale, but at least a most “marked” difference

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People just want the maximum zoom out to be farther. Everyone could use it if they wanted and adjust to a zoom they like


This totally fair, and a good point. Not everyone is able to “get used to it”, even though I was able to.
I am also not bothered by low fields of view like many people are when they play FPS games.

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Yeah, that makes sense.

I also doubt I ever played at the speed you guys were, my average APM hovers around 80 - 90.

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Maybe, just maybe they don’t want this to zoom and play like AOE2 DE so as to avoid cannibalization of that player base. If the ages were the same, the zoom levels were the same, the play was the same, and it was a just a 3D, better graphics version of the game in every way, why would anyone stay with Microsoft’s #1 RTS game, AOE2 DE?
It’s going to play different enough than AOE2 to truly differentiate it, and they want it that way. There is a risk of course, but I think they are counting on attracting a new player base, not getting everyone to switch to the “new and improved” model.
All that said, you should be able to see a trebuchet and it’s target in the same frame.