Devs, what does it take to have fully remappable keys properly working?

It is a bitter pill to swallow though, isn’t it?

One thing I miss dearly in AOE4 is the ability to see the health of individual units when they’re selected, and being able to deselect them in a menu rather than the units themselves. For example, you aren’t able to be selective about garrisoned units.

I wonder if an option to switch to a more classic set up would have been the way to go to satisfy us. I guess the worry there is giving too much of an advantage to players who would use it over the default panels we have now.

Then again, if you’re using your mouse to control just about everything, are you really going to be the kind of player who will compete with those who’ll switch to a the classic set up? I feel there could be a way to satisfy both groups here.


Personally I think AoE 3 is the best in that regard. It has a grid where you just have to press one key and shows in which Age a building becomes available by adding small Roman numerals to the icon.


also aoe3 even tho lacking individual unit deselection of aoe2 still has individual unit ungarrisoning

The player in this video mentioned that he wanted to configure the escape key as he does in starcraft2, I think this would allow placing the Esc in a more comfortable place, but not as starcraft does, it would be better if the Esc key was an option to replace

These are keys that I would configure as a replacement for the escape function, so that it is in a more comfortable location.

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an option that certainly wouldn’t hurt, suboptimal to spam esc everytime you switch panels

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Yea. There can’t honestly be a good reason behind this. There was never a good reason to not showcase garrisoned units. It is very likely that their UI department was severely underfunded, or at least it really really feels like it.

ig we’ll know more once the console port launches, there’s clear overlap with that version given the very clunky UI controls, greatly improved since launch admittedly but things like esc situation aren’t helping

Yeah this annoyed me at first. I’m mostly used to it now although I do miss it sometimes with villagers in particular and as you say with garrisoned units. I believe they could fix this without totally changing everything else.

I really think a lot of their UI decisions are related to accessibility, streamlining, and the coming Xbox version. There was an interview with them where he talked about accessibility a bunch and how they were designing with it mind.

Some more options would be good though. They FINALLY let us resize the mini map. I’d like to be able to resize everything and have options for things like the panels and how units display in queue or in the unit information panel.

One thing I do love on the AoE4 panels is it shows how many of each building you have already made with little numbers.

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whatever it may be, some civs are not playable for me atm

i used “q” as tc at first and when i saw quite a number of keys default to q, and so i switched to w which was painful to get used to

after getting used to it, i then realized mali scouts (in case ur actually reading devs, try upgrade scout to warrior scouts and see waht happens to mali tc scout key) default to w and prelate enchant defaults to w also, both not changeable. and you know theres a mali scout meta happening right now.

that makes 2 civs unplayable for me.

i can probably get away pressing wrong stuff in a noob game but in a high level game which i do play fairly often, i cant afford to be pressing wrong stuff so often…

i am most certainly not switching my tc hotkey to e… and so i can only hope and wait for them to fix this.

in all seriousness, why would anyone want to play aoe4 on xbox? i cannot imagine that many people interested in playing xbox version without pulling their hair

so they balance their game for solo players, and spend resources making an xbox version… i just dont see how this makes sense at all. could just use the same resources, maybe just a few hours to properly test hotkeys???

there is a list of demands that are placed in order of priority

etc etc

yea, priority like xbox lol

I think that making an RTS game today is very risky, seeing the statistics of mobile games exceed the views of RTS on twitch, so a mobile game can help the company to have more vital income to meet our demands

there’s def truth in this, but current RTS situation is still also a result of constant botched releases and catering to wrong audience

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honestly i do get sleepy watching rts. i dont mind watching players whom i can relate to, doesnt have to be top tier players. i watch more csgo than aoe4, and i havent played csgo for years.

It is incredible so much rejection of the grid for something like that

When even your game has the grid with the option “ultimate shortcuts”

and with programs so friendly to practice, I better invite you to adapt to the progress

What do you even mean? AoE 2 DE has Grid hotkeys by default and no one is against it. People just want more options.

The hotkeys in this screenshot are the default keys from the legacy version of AoE 2. As each game has its own default keys and people edited some keys to fit their preference, many different preferences have developed over the years.

If you want to go to a new game within the same franchise, you don’t want to figure out its controls first, you want to import your keys from the other game as best as possible which enhances your experience.

As your screenshot highlights P for Packed for the Trebuchet… I have set mine to W, which is grid-based.

Also, on the bottom right, you can see how I can set up any previous default hotkeys which is a welcoming option for returning players from past versions. I wish AoE 4 had this feature.

This doesn’t change the fact that people still want more options.

Before critizicing a game, you should have at least played it. What if I told you that you can - to a certain extent - add your AoE 4 hotkeys into AoE 2?

My fingers have done essentially the same things in this series since 2003’s AoM.

I’m not going to a grid.


Exactly this. Age is an older series and people became used to the old hotkeys (e.g. v for creating villagers).

Grid is fine and good for new players but ultimately, you want to play the way you like to play.


To pour on, it’s obnoxious af to have a group of outsiders roll in here and dictate that they are now in charge of the franchise and it’s my job to change. They got that backwards. This is our home. They are welcome to join, but I’ll be pressing H to build a House, thank you kindly. If I can’t press H to play AoE4, then I won’t play AoE4.

Every time I had to use that grid was a little reminder that they didn’t care enough about our history and community and ultimately believed they knew better than us.

[Lighting the Gorbles bat signal.]

Get off my lawn. Im self aware of how old I sound. But for real I’m dead serious. I won’t install aoe4 until and unless.


Notably, you don’t have to play AoE IV.

But it’s a no brainer that more options are good when it comes to stuff like user controls. Assuming it doesn’t restrict the games or other players (which optional keybinds don’t).

Nice edit :joy:

As you lit the signal, I guess I have to indulge myself. More options are good, but it’s always fun to read “they don’t care”. Has to be that. Couldn’t be any other reason. Of course.

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