Did you buy the DLC - USA civ? Future of civs for AOE 3 DE - Africa and Beyond

Enjoy the classic but AoE 3 DE is moving forward with the African civs and maybe much more.


I didn’t see any backlash for Swedes, Incas or African civs being added, only USA.


I’m referring to this, for players most likely the purists who don’t like the Swedens, Incas and USA with the other upcoming civs for DE, you have the classic 2007 AoE 3 still available to play in Steam. AoE 3 DE is moving forward.

From original AOE3 to TWC I think is excellent.
From TWC to TAD I think is good.
Because they were designed base on AOE3 principle.

Now DE, endless bugs, worse game experience (too high frequency herding leaving), created anything only they thought was fun (Sweden Carolean combines musk and dragoon to be OP, Hakkapelit is trash; Inca Chimu runner won’t be snare to be OP, balor warrior is trash, Invisible chasqui receiving shipment anywhere to be insane) ;

New is not equal to go forward.

See all your rants and wishes for the current game should be directed instead to the devs of the game. The thread is about the purchase of USA civ and future of civs beyond African expansion for AoE 3 DE, now take your balance and other gameplay issues elsewhere.

Also the reviews for AoE 3 DE in Steam has moved from “Mixed” to “Mostly Positive”. That’s a good sign the devs are listening to community feedback.


Enjoy your new stuff and ignore the existing problem then.

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You must be fun at parties really. Every game has its own set of problems but that doesn’t mean it’s not being acted upon especially AoE 3 DE is now actually playable than its release.

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I would’ve picked 25-30 if the option were available. Ideally consisting of the DE 16 +

  1. Americans
  2. Ethiopians
  3. Hausa
  4. Moroccans
  5. Persians
  6. Siamese
  7. Poles
  8. Danes
  9. Italians
  10. Mapuche
  11. Cree

I bought the civ but i can’t play it.

Seeing its about 50/50 on peoples opinion maybe you shouldnt disregard their opinion. Also the civs isnt the only civs DE added. Graphics improvement, balance, revolutions and new units are all added. Also a lot of people do want an African dlc, just not the US. Its really a simple solution, just allowe people to ban civs from their lobby.

  1. Koreans - Really want to see Hwacha in one of the AoE games 11

AoE4 will have it. No need to have Koreans in AoE3.

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My personal criteria are:

  1. How significant were the civ to history
  2. Did they have an actual empire
  3. Potential uniqueness in gameplay
  4. Cool factor

I doubt Koreans will be in AoE 4 since the Nest of Bees is the progenitor for Hwachas, what else will Koreans offer in AoE 4?

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I play on RE due to low RAM on my PC, but USA absolutely belongs in the game.

It fits the time period, there are iron clads, railroads, and repeater rifles and other techs that are much later in history.

Its about time!

But I am super excited about the African DLC! (more than AOE4 by the looks of its current state) and may have to get some PC upgrades if its good stuff.


This game literally features a freaking railroad which was heavily utilized by the United States, and some of you are complaining that it’s immersion breaking to have the United States as a faction in a time where they were fighting against the Native Americans and Mexican-Army?

Shirley you can’t be serious.

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I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.


Invented in England, which were also the main railroad builders through the world.

Yet no Mexico civ, and no Steamships for Euros, or actual modern units…


Interesting review - thanks. Whilst initially interested in the AoE III DE when it was announced, I lost interest when I began reading about the various historical and aesthetic changes made in order to cater to… well, whomever. Based on that, I refused to buy the game, and it’s interesting - though not surprising - that your review confirms that the same has been done with the US (who, for entirely obvious reasons, are an utterly absurd choice as a playable civ and obviously a cash-grab).


Seems like much of the hate stems from real life hatred of the USA, which is pretty silly considering it’s just a game. People who hated the inclusion will already be sour playing it, thereby not objectively giving it chance. There’s also segment who haven’t played with them at all. When the African civs come out they’ll most likely be OP too but without the backlash. I mean, one could always wait to purchase it after a few balance patches but no.

Other than AoEIIDE DLC Lords of the West where the civs were underpowered to the point where people are uninterested in playing them most civs start out OP. Balancing civs is tough and this community is extremely fickle.

I think people should just calm down. This isn’t the end of the world, it’s not gonna ruin the entire game. It’s optional DLC to a game where I would have bet against getting any. There are 8 civs I would have wanted over the US but ranting on the forums isn’t going change anything. Any legitimate concerns are drowned out by the negativity of a few.