Diluting unique units

I have seen units such as Firelancers, Shalin monks nerf to the useless-nesss. if we keep nerfing every meta we gonna be left with just the rock paper scissor units.

Rather than nerfing unique units to the ground, to the point of no use, they should be only nerfed in terms of production cost and time. That way the player has to invest for production buildings or buy time to mass the said OP unit.


Of course, in the end you make the UUs more expensive or with more barriers to get them out.

it is better than nothing. Current unique units are useless.
We can talk about Mongol trash Keshik - which is worst lancer in the game…
We can talk about Mangudai - again another worst mounted archer unit in the game too
We know that no one plays Mongols as cav civ… Because their 3 unique cavalry units are all trash and it is better to spam archers,xbows, spearmen and MAA
So it is better to have expensive and useful unique units.
This way, a civilization will shine bright like a diamong.

I think what he was suggesting is that if a unit is broken, instead of reducing the effectiveness of that unit, they should increase its cost to make it more profitable for Late Game or something like that.

There have been many times when there have been ugly nerfs in statistics that really prevented several units from being used normally, such as the Delhi Elephants, which when they removed the area damage from the War Elephant, were almost never used again, and only recently when they got the area damage back have they become a vital part of the civ (What they should have been in the beginning).

In any case, more than just increasing the cost, I think that unique units should always keep what makes them unique and better than others for certain builds and in historical representation of their peers. Other statistics can be changed for balance, but not “the center”.

  • The longbowman has to have more range, otherwise it’s would not be named “long”-bowman.
  • The war elephants have to have a lot of HP and make stampedes, otherwise they are not impressive.
  • Cataphracts have to have either more HP or armor than other heavy cavalry, that’s their core.

And so on.

As far as I know, the firelancer is one of the most nerfed units in the game, going from 51 fire attack to 30. On top of that, it lacks attack bonus against “ranged units”, which makes it a weaker version of the horseman, when it should be a better version (Chukunu is an upgraded version of the archer). Besides, the point of playing this unit was supposed to be to have it attack with “Charges with Area Damage” and then back off to repeat the process, but the problem is that if he tries this with “1 Ranged armor”, it will get killed before it can escape to recharge.

In this case, making him cheaper isn’t going to fix the huge problem with the unit aggainst archers… oh, and because of the Season 9 patch, he doesn’t even get “More Damage” from researching Chemistry anymore. Also, its two Zhu Xi versions are better (Horseman+Dragon Roar and Yuan Raider).

About the Shaolin Monk, I’m not sure because I’m just learning Zhu XI builds, and they have quite a lot. I remember there were videos where there were entire builds with just Shaolin Monk. I’m not sure if he stopped being used as before due to nerfs, or because other builds are more optimal, so I’d rather not comment.

Yes, I agree…they are good ideas…