British - FORTS
Dutch - FORTS
French - FORTS
Germans - FORTS
Ottomans - FORTS
Portuguese - FORTS
Russians - FORTS
Spanish - FORTS
Aztecs - FORT Haudenosaunee Lakota
Indians - FORT Japanese
Inca - FORTS
Swedes - FORTS
Italians - FORTS
Maltese - FORTS + Commanderies as bonus behind towers
What do we notice ? We notice that Haude, Lakota and Japan don’t have a Fort or some building that could be considered an attempt of a Fort.
Why is this ? I don’t see any reason for those 3 civs to not get one or at least a weaker Fort.
Some will say the Shogun is like a walking Fort because you can receive shipments and train units and artillery from it but I would give away this trait (which is busted btw) for a real Asian some kind of Fort.
Ok, I understand that Lakota is favourite to have map control due to their units being mostly Cavalry but this civ really lacks some for of fortifications in the absence of walls until age 4.
Haude lacks access to artillery until reaching IV and from what I’ve heard, Musket Riders aren’t that good against Falconets so yeah.
Not to mention that all civs should be equal and that we shouldn’t have civs that are more equal than others ! #Forts4LakotaJapanHaude#MakeJusticeDevs
Tribal civs such as the Lakota and Iroquois might have had a gord-style building - a tall, built-up watchtower surrounded by a palisade. It may not be impressive but it would fulfill the role of a Fort.
Also, I’d like to see star-shaped forts in this game for European civs. Current Forts are not core content for European civs so could be reserved for post-colonial civs and revolutions. European Forts could occupy a larger area and evolve visually during Age Up or using special technology. Additionally, European Settlers could build a Fort, but the building limit would be 1. There would be a possibility of reconstruction after the loss of the Fort. HC cards could send additional Forts but it would not increase the build limit - to ensure balance.
Having universal access to units or buildings that perform similarly to each other is always nice for some easy balancing, which comes around at discussing forts.
All civs have some sort of Outpost, but not all have a kidn of Fort.
There was actually already an old post about this, might as well drop the reference here:
Anyway, originally, I imagine forts weren’t added for Haudenosaunee or Lakota since they were either nomad or never got around building massive defensive layouts like such (Lakota built tepees and Haude built longhouses, literally just houses).
Walls were a thing though, the war huts are literally houses surrounded by walls to make them look “outpost-y”.
As for Japan, idk, they already have a big castle in the regicide game-mode, they could’ve used that.
They could still get around the “historical accuracy” and just give them some assets that are already in-game, like they did with Aztecs giving them the “American Citadel” in age 3, which shouldn’t be a fort since it’s more of a temple irl lol (Still pretty cool though, inaccuracy and all).
For Haude:
They could make a BIG longhouse with high walls (Looking like a mini village).
And call it something like “Chiefs garrison”.
Let it fire arrows like the Incan Stronghold.
Give it a special quirk, like working as a Japanese dojo, producing infantry or cavalry every few minutes.
For Lakota:
It’d be more of a stretch on the nomad side, but they could have more of an entrenchement, inside a ton of teepees and tower palisades surrounded by medium walls and spikes (Nothing a nomad couldn’t build if they tried to hold a position).
Call it something like “Great redoubt”.
The special attack could be a FAST fire rate of arrows (Visually making sense, since there are lots of towers in it).
And the special ability could be firing even faster as the “fort” loses HP (Similar to the Yoruba cavalry).
I’d find that pretty fun to play with idk, but someone who actually knows the cultures should check on this though hahah, I’m no historian.
do we really need more forts? civs like japan turtle hard enough as is but i can see adding one like the aztec just for completeness would be ok. just dont make it better.
Turning the Shogunate wonder into a fort would make sense. It’s completely based off the Himeji Castle anyways.
They had actual forts, you don’t need to make stuff up. There was a style that was a spiral palisade with an overlapping section of walls for the entrance like below:
I haven’t used or fought it competitively, is it really that OP?
Says it can add up to 270% HP and 130% attack to buildings, shouldn’t be enough to deter mortars, no?
Im not playing hauds on the ladder much…
I dont think its competetive
I just know from casual games, that you can annoy people a lot with it ^^’
Hauds have the potential to turtle like no other civ
You build your 27 warhuts, wall a bit, make forest prowlers and light artillery, peek through the gate, kill the mortars, retreat. If i remember correctly, town ceremony makes every warhut have ~11k hp
Sure, if your enemy isnt incompetent, they will look at your deck and take preventive action or eventually kill you with mortars … but thats the case with every fort/turtle
hauds requiere a lot of cards and time to prepare aswell. My main argument is just: hauds are not lacking in defensive options