DLC - Other than new civs, what new features/content would you like to see added?

It’s not new that campaigns take liberties with reality, look the Morgan campaign : Saint John knights in central america, this make no sense historically, but for the needs of that campaign, this is plausible.
For Amelia campaign this is the same.

I agree with you, it would work if we had to keep the mechanism of the Gatling guns, however I hardly imagine that they used machine guns in the 18th century, if we’re there, we might as well can train flame throwers, bazookas , or even the atomic bomb in the 18th century !

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When it comes to the [Gatling Gun] it isn’t really a machine gun. The in-game description for the unit that states that it is an early automatic machine gun is incorrect.

One of the key features of a machine gun is that it is fully automatic, which the Gatling Gun is not. The Gatling Gun is a repeating firearm similar to a lever-action rifle, but instead of using a lever it uses a crank.

The first machine gun was the Maxim gun that was developed by Hiram Stevens Maxim (1840-1916).

Have you never heard about Greek fire or the Pen Huo Qi? Flame throwing weapons didn’t first appear during the modern ages but earlier than that.

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I know the Gatling gun is not a fully automatic machine guns like those of WWI, I know that it works with a handle. But you can too say too that given the soldiers of the civil war use muzzle loading rifle and not bolt action rifle, it’s fine, we can transpose this invention earlier.

The fact is that is an invention of the Civil war and you can’t put it available in the age representing the independance war.

I know that, flame throwers are actually present in Malta,

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Well, it can serve as a prelude to the Maltese colonization of the Caribbean in the 17th century, so it is not so wrong…in Morgan’s campaign the only anachronistic thing would be the Aztecs asking for reinforcements from Tenochtitlan (when by 1565 it was already Spanish Mexico)…and for Amelia’s campaign it would be the railroads so far southwest in 1817…

The other would be to use the Puckle gun…

The Puckle gun was never used in battle though. I don’t really see the point of adding such a weapon to the game unless it is a cheat unit.

Making the Puckle gun into an actual unit would be just as weird as to give the Spanish Cortez’s Trebuchet as an unique unit for them.

To be clear it should just be called Trebuchet, not “Cortez’s Trebuchet”. That’s far more normal and grounded than a partridge mortar or airship.

I have only suggested that the Partridge Mortar “could” be added to the game not that it “should”.

And I have never suggested that an airship should become an actual to the game. This is what I wrote in my first post in this thread:

I am starting to think that you want to escalate things, if that is the case I am done talking with you @M00Z1LLA. I have no interest whatsoever to engage in a conflict.

I just find it very hypocritical that all your suggestions are extremely obscure, impractical artillery pieces that were never used. And then someone suggests the Puckle Gun and you just shoot them down and act like it’s the most ridiculous thing ever.

Unpopular opinion, but as already listed in other posts how it could be done I want them to make minor changes to the 3 Asian civs. They need some real love, like the European civs, maybe even more.

i.e splitting the monastery into a real church and saloon. Changing the explorers of India and China, the Japanese explorers only need minor adjustments tho.
Why? Because right now no Asian civ can really build healers and the explorers take more of their civs power budget for what they are worth in the end.


Poles civ - units

  1. Winged Hussars
  2. Cavalry Archer (Royal Guard - Lisowczyk)
  3. Petttttttyhooooorrrrrrrrrcccccy
  1. Rekrut (Royal Guard - Piechota Wybraniecka)
  2. Archer (shared with Russians civ - replaces Crossbowman)
  3. Axeman (shared with Russians civ - replaces Pikeman)

Only available in Town Center:

  1. Cham - a unique Polish settler armed with a scythe. (shared with the Russians civ but they wouldn’t have a scythe)
  2. Kurp - a settler unit, a hunter-lumberjack who can only build Hives

I have to admit that my suggestion for the Partridge Mortar, was not a well researched idea. Including some other suggestions that I have made as well. The Partridge Mortar doesn’t really need to be added to the game. However, I cannot agree that all of my suggestions are obscure. I have suggested before that the Saker cannon could be added to the game which seems to have been used in the English Civil War for example and Shuvalov’s secret howitzer which was apparently used during the Seven Years’ War.

Everyone is a hypocrite to some degree, it is just not limited to me. You sure like to vilify me and overdramatise my behaviour on the forum.

Sakers are a pretty reasonable suggestion for British, but the rest are very obscure. I’d say all of the following are right up there with Puckle Guns or Trebuchets.

Hotchkiss Gun
Ordóñez Gun
Burst Mortar
Partridge Mortar
Secret Howitzer
Nock Gun
Leppich’s Airship
Staff Sling

@M00Z1LLA You forgot your beloved Tewaaraton Runner. It is a good addition to the list of obscure things as well.

Though I have to thank you for putting me in the spotlight, it makes me feel like I am in a better place than you. It sure is comfortable. But oh well, I have better things to do then to deal with you so bye!

I’m not trying to shame you for suggesting obscure things, by all means, suggest away. I suggested a Trebuchet and a variant of a Staff Sling and I 100% stand by that. But you being snippy about someone mentioning an obscure weapon is the pot calling the kettle black.

Why not just try to make the Regent and his castle depend on civilization instead of the map?

Although I think the Regicide mode is probably tied to Japan deliberately in order to present the Japanese term known as Gekokujo.

In addition to training ordinary Monks as healers, the new Monastery may need some new mechanics, because currently it is just a Saloon for the Asian version.

Since Asian minor civs are their religion, perhaps Monastery could become a default native-embassy-like building unique to their religion. The details can be discussed further, but in short the Chinese, Japanese and Indians can thus ally with Shaolin, Zen, and Bhakti respectively through the Monastery.

As for the new mercenary building of the Asian civs, it could be the Inn. Inn could have a trickle of export instead of coin like Saloon and Tavern.


Of course, I agree with everything…

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Mortar can switch between two modes,

switching to a mode that only hits buildings.

I think that the Mercenary content should be completely removed from the Monastery building. In this place, it would be possible to train Religious Leaders already present in the Asian civs. Podanto, this building could gain some new Technologies (or receive Technologies that are currently in the Town Center for Asian civs).

So the building itself would remain, but the internal things would be changed.

The new mercenary building for Asian civs could be called “Mercenary Syndicate”. This building would simply receive all the content that is currently in the Monastery. Optionally, he could gain some new ability - what do you think about the paid ability to upgrade Villagers into unique mercenaries per civ? For example:

  • Chinese civ - Tuntian
  • Japanese civ - Farmer Ashigaru (with kama-yari. This unit would be an archaic version of Ashigaru without the Arquebuses)
  • Indians civ - Chaukidar (unit armed with Gandas’ spear)