nah, you usually want green for “is good for the player” and red for “is bad for the player”.
So you suggested units cost -33% to be in red, even though it’s a positive thing for the player
Ohh, right, right. Yes, for sure! That’s what I meant. Guess I was a little lazy and superficial/presumptive with the highlights and my descriptions Thanks for catching that
Could the font size be made smaller so each tab isn’t having a ping pong match with itself? Or give us an ability to scale font size smaller, in general? I don’t need or want such huge letters, especially if it’s so big it has to scroll back and forth because one character doesn’t fit. They bounce back and forth much quicker in-game:
I already have the UI scales as low as I can go. This game isn't developed for people with good eyesight or if you wear glasses, and doesn't give you accessibility options if you do have such vision. These should probably give the ability to go down to 25% and 10%, respectively. Our choice, as players.
You can change the tab words by rewrite text file.
- make a file: <C:/Users/“Username”/Games/Age of Empires 2 DE/“SteamID”/mods/local/“anyname”/resources/en/strings/key-value/key-value-modded-strings-utf8.txt>
- write what you wanna see in the game
The original text file have those below.
You copy and paste the first sentence to the modded text file and rewrite.
Oh, thank you for the info! I wish I could just make the font smaller, as it would help all across the game, but I will try this.
I play so little MP that if I change the tabs to remove the word “bans”, I may eventually forget what the purpose of the tabs is. But maybe not. Is a risk I’m willing to take
Updating the audio of the menu sections would be great as well.
What would you want done there? Just curious
Units icons like in Capture age would be really great…
That is “in-game HUD scale”, so it only affects the UI panels in game, like resource panel, mini map, command panel etc. Nothing else
A more energizing soundtrack, like in the Dota lobby.
Yep, I know/figure. I was just pointing out every scale option provided to us is as small as I can make it. I’m not playing AoE from across the living room. I can read smaller font sizes