Docks need to be disabled on Andes

As the title says. I believe they used to be because up until recently this annoying trend of ignoring the swamp and just landing behind your or Allies towns didn’t happen. The whole point of Andes is to fight in the middle or you can pull back to your swamp and hold I’ve won a lot of games that way. People being able to just build docks and land behind you because they can’t insta win at the swamp defeats the purpose of the map.

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Andes has a swamp? you mean Orinoco?

Andes has a river spawn with a river by each side’s base. There is a crossing on each river.


They already are in treaty mode

it should be disabled in supremacy as well. being able to build docks and land ruins the point of the map.

The complaint here is that players are able to avoid a choke-point by using their game knowledge and creative thinking? That’s… kind of the point of the game. Water is supposed to be crossed by ships.

The point of Andes is that it’s an easily defensible position in the early match, but you run out of resources quickly. If you are attempting to turtle by taking advantage of the terrain, your opponent is allowed the same. They can and should be able to bypass your Maginot line. Heck, that level of intelligence should be commended, not whined about.

This is something that absolutely should not be changed. Turtling is a dominant strat right now; if the Meta is shifting such that certain maps can no longer be abused in it’s favor, that’s a good thing and should be welcomed. Instead, you need to adapt; put some outposts on the shores, build walls along the cliffs, place some culverins or mortars nearby.

Also, such a change is unprecedented outside of campaigns. The only random match maps where docks are disabled but there is water are maps like arctic territories and Arabia, where the water is an external ring just for visual effect, and has no resources nor even sufficient area for a dock.


Yeah i know how to play don’t need to be talked down to. My point is people play that map to fight in a specific area and players who cant mix well enough to win on the field just try to attack from the water cause they cant win. Like play any of the other maps if you want to play the flanking game.

And what makes you think that you should get rewarded for tutleing and forfeiting all map controll?

NVM that certain civs just SUCK at siege which makes the maginot unbreakable for them?
NVM Missmatches of units from certain civs into each other?

If you can’t spare 32 pops for a bunch of culvs to curbstomp every single ship that ever existed on a small water area then that is indeed a you issue.
Which futher BTW on the map also would mean that you could get locked in even more and make it impossible to win anyways since the other player will just call in a monopoly.

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clever, out of the box play deserves a win. just because a player won’t follow the arbitrary rules you have dictated on a specific map doesn’t make it bad


I think that in treated mode it would be good to disable the docks. I like this version of the Andes better for the treaty than the other version without the rivers.

In Orinoco you cannot build docks either, it is done deliberately so that the combat is focused on the river crossing.

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There was no intent to talk down. As this is an internet forum, no one knows anyone’s level and it is in general in the best interest of all readers to be verbose.

Fair enough. So there is one map that prohibits docks. That doesn’t make this a wise choice for Andes, and it’s not. You have to concede almost the entire map to your opponents for them to make docks on your river. At that point your opponent deserves the advantages and opportunities they have won.

It’s good to see innovation in this game, ignoring old self-imposed rules. Too often we see people complaining that this game feels stale. Instead of demanding the devs impose restrictions to conform to your styles of play, adapt.