Does anyone else want the Polynesians and Micronesians in the game?

This is like saying we should have a native american civi because vikings went there.


I’m not currently advocating either way. I’m just saying, they were good navigators, and literally sailed to South America.

Its always better to select civis that interacted with 2 3 ingame once so there is some kinda connection between them.

Funny you should mention that…Sandy Petersen wants the Inuit in the game.

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I’d love to see some new Civs.

Its a joke not a serious suggestion he wants kyaks given to them as uu.

He seemed pretty serious to me.

Lets say its a serious suggestion what will be the wonder? Are there enough leader names?do we know of a historical figure with a cool story to tell?

For any civi suggestion there should be a minimum criteria or else we could be seeing australian aboriginals as a civi too.


You have a point. I guess I was too quick to take his word seriously and immediately started coming up with civilization ideas for them.

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Finns also have this problem even tho they have enough and more contact/conflict with other ingame civis.

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Say this to the Poles and Czechs. I’m sorry but they were covered fine already.