Does the new DLC include Civs for the base game?

I am a bit confused, does the new greek dlc include civs for the base aoe2 game ? I dont really want to bother anyone but I am very curios :v:

Not for Ranked, at the very least.


the way it looks you can play with the new civs and existing aoe2 civs in combined game in singleplayer and unranked lobbies, but not in ranked. I don’t think there is any information about quickmatch? (does quickmatch still exist?)

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Yes and no, they are civs you can play against base games game civs, but at the same time they arent balanced or modeled after base game civs and wont be available in competitive games

So you can enjoy them but dont expect to see them unless you are goofing around in the lobby (thankfully so, imaginr if the medieval game meta revolved around antiquity’s Greek and Persian civs :nauseated_face:)

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Please add the Romanians. At least 1 civ for the base game would be good.

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Please, no. It has literally no relevance to this theme.


Eeeeeehhh… it’s close geographically? I know what you mean, but there’s plenty of players who only play the standard AoE2 version, having a DLC with no standard AoE2 civ would give no incentive to buy it.

Not relevant at all to this topic.


What a Cringe way to ask for your civ. What the hell is going on here?

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No. Its just for campaign players. Those civs are never going to be a part of ranked games. So if you’re a ranked guy, don’t buy the DLC to avoid disappointment.

I mean that day seems less and less far apparently.

So you think we can have these units and architectures in AOE 2 DE scenario?

I dont think so, these civs are too powerful to be introduced in the meta without big eco nerfs (or at least thats how it looks to me).

It’s technically the other way around, all AoE2 content is available in chronicles but chronicles content is not available in aoe2.

Dont think it’ll be available for quickmatch, because one would need to open Chronicles tab to play those civs online and I guess, just like in RoR. When clicking in Multiplayer, one would go directly to lobby browser in Chronicles’ settings, therefore no quickplay

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I need the civ in multiplayer

All AoE2 civs are available in Chronicles but that means that every one you want to play with has to own the DLC (or any future Chronicles DLC).

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Just can pick it in multiplayer settings ít OK for me, thank. My important now seek thế true think Spartan need. They make my hoplite so under power, and no bonus damage to horse init, + skirmish now need kill melle unit not range unit :v many worse to my cic

Maybe but cant say for sure.

They’re not powerful, they’re just civs with no aoe 2 units or mechanics and are completely asymmetric. They have like government policies, different economy, different units. Has nothing to do with eco or unique unit being too overpowered like some of the past DLC civs

The Athenian “modes” are basically choose if you want to be a better romans or Goths

The Persian feudal bonus is basically a better feudal Georgian church bonus too

Those are crazy strong imo beyond the outlandish civ design