Don't let content creators spoil the fun- Petition for 1 week embargo on streams/build order guides post expansion launch for those with early access

The biggest fun of an expansion is always the discovery- everyone trying the new civs, and trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

With many top players/content creators having months to test out and refine their build orders on the new civs, and creating guides for these build orders, we’ll almost certainly see a meta on day one as people simply copy their favorite content creators.

This kills all of the fun, because instead of a meta developing organically, it’s already going to be settled on day one. If you try to experiment, you’ll be destroyed by players following build orders that have been tried and tested by top players for months.

That’s why I’m suggesting a 1 week embargo on streams/build order guides post expansion launch.

Content creators would still be able to put out generic guides explaining what the civ units and buildings do, but not provide detailed guides on the “right” way to play them. Streams would be embargoed so that people don’t just watch pros and copy what they do. This way the expansion is actually interesting instead of just a stale meta from day 1.


Imo it doesnt kill the fun bc you can simple choose not to watch the content creators and or reinvent the wheel on your own.

For example when mali and ottoman were first released, both civs were heavily unexplored long after launch except for the few that really pressed the new factions thoroughly and kept those pro scout war scout killing spears to themselves. Likewise i distinctly remember beasty and demu thinking ottoman 2 MS was a BAD build early on the release but now we onow differently.

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