'Draft Oxen' of Ethiopia and Hausa should effectively unlock that unity of the image

Draft Oxen

Current effect: Zebu Cattles and Prize Bulls can build Fields and work on them.

My proposal: Allows you to train draft oxen in the market in exchange for two zebus. Harvest 3 times more crops than a villager and occupy 2 population. It also creates the fields very fast.

Limit: 5
Cost: 2 zebus + 20 gold/ 50 wood.

I would like this unit to come to life and not just remain in the abstract. What do you think?


Like a settler wagon, African version.


and then what, give villagers dogs when hunting dogs are researched? most in-game upgrades are abstract, why would these be different


I think it would be interesting to see her in action.

I think it would be fine to just make more of a visual change rather than a new unit. Just show a yoke on the cattle when they’re working. Something similar could be done with dogs appearing around the granary when Village Dogs is researched.


It would also be good. However I think a new unit itself would also be interesting.

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Another nice idea. I like it.

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