Dravidians are terrible

I believe this post should the point of closure for this thread.

Civ bonuses:

  • All Economy techs researched instantly

  • Age up cost -20% food

  • [Remove Siege wood Discount] [Remove +200 wood] [Remove +15 fish carry capacity]

  • Barracks technologies cost -50%.

  • Skirmishers and Elephant Archers attack 25% faster.

  • Blacksmith and University upgrades for Galley line 50% cheaper.

Tech tree changes:

  • [REMOVE “Block Printing”] Replacement: “Redemption”
  • Add bloodlines

Unique tech change:

  • "Strike Corps - Elephants and Castle units move +20% faster.
    Cost 300 food and 300 gold.

Dravidians are still terribly designed. Gamersons and biggest update patch didn’t do anything. They are back on the way to bottom.