To my great surprise, the Dromon is not a unique unit of the Romans, but actually a regional unit belonging not only to them, but also the Byzantines, Goths, and Huns! What this means is that the Huns and Goths can actually challenge coastal buildings on water maps, whereas they couldn’t before. This is a very interesting change.
kinda immersion breaking that the byzantine no longer have bombard galleon tbh.
I wonder if the American civilizations will get it too.
Cumans too lack the bombard galleon
Why? Isn’t this more historically distinctive?
Byzantines, I get. Goths, sure, due to to their Romanization. Huns seems odd, but I guess its better than them having cannon galleons. Interesting anyways.
Highly doubt it, if anything they might get their own regional substitutes for cannon galleons though.
The Dromon is literally a Byzantine ship design. They are fine.
Though dromons were the frontline galleys famously equiped with greek fire. But that’s nitpicking, after all in a game in which 95% of civs have greek fire and kamikaze ships and almost everyone has galleons that would only be developped in the 16th century so after the game ends…
By the time cannons were mounted on ships, the Byzantines no longer had anything that looked like a decent navy.
The Dromon needs animated oars .
Byzantine will lost galleon canon and elite galleon canon. To compensate this I suggest to give them the +1 bonus range of the technology greek fire to the dromon. Maybe greek fire can done some bonus damage against ship. Historically the dromon use greek fire.
Whats the range difference bettern Dromon and cannon galleon\Elite?
I believe Dromons have 1 fewer range than Cannon Galleons, but I might be mistaken.
That would still make it OP. They cause more damage than cannon balls by the spread. Have to see them go against fires though. They have +1 melee armor. It should reduce damage from fireship by 25%.
Dromons may be less effective against buildings but they seem to hold their own against most ships.
And controlling the sea is necessary before bombing the enemy city. I’m not sure if losing the CG to get dromons is a nerf.
They fire 25% instead and affected by SE. Additional range is not necessary.
Sounds like a marvel Villan though. Ominous.
I mean, in a what if scenario in which the Huns have a lasting empire with enough coastline to build a navy, the dromon make as much sense in their roster as the other naval units. It also fits perfectly their theme as an anti buildings civ, gimmicky as it is.
By the way, I just thought if the Vandals are ever added to the game they should definely get the dromon.
Goths and Huns are known for their navy