Duplicate & Pointless cards (Picture)

These cards are redundant. There is no reason to get the 900 wood card when there is an infinite 900 wood card. There is no reason to get the infinite 800 wood card when there is an infinite 900 wood card. The 1000 wood card is understandable since you get a bonus 100 wood out of it… There is the exact same problem with the Aztec and their infinite gold cards.



a purge of redundant cards would benefit the game. too many false choices and traps.


Probably a collateral from having all cards unlocked at Lvl1? Infinite shipments used to be gated behind lvl25-40 iirc. As for changing cards, making relevant new cards is wasted effort, requires lot of testing and rarely come out properly balanced.

You could make it weaker Team versions, so they become relevant to specific strats without going throu the whole redesign process.

Or, if the gods be good, MS will rollback the horrible “Unlock at Lvl 1” thing and give people something to grind beside ranks.

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