Early access for DLC only for PS5?

I have the premium edition but somehow only if I buy the premium edition from PS5 i get early access on Feb 27th?
Why ?
also why prioritize joystick people? XD


Agreed. Particularly for a genre much more popular on PC, it just seems like a means of getting more sales for the newly added platform of the game. If it’s going to be ready on the 27th for the PS5 I see no reason why it wouldn’t also be ready on other platforms.


PC and Xbox players can’t get early access because they have to be on the same version as the none premium players.
At least that is the best guess I have. Technically they could ship the DLC but just don’t let none premium players access it.

Or it’s a fairness thing.
You couldn’t know that the premium edition would also include early access to all DLC. This could have affected peoples purchase decisions in the past.

But I agree that it’s a little stupid that PS5 premium edition pre order is now the only way to get early access to the DLC.


I come to offer a correction. They have updated the wording of the PS5 post to be a bit less confusing. It now says that Early Access for PS5 users starts on the 27th, Access to IMP (expansion 1) is the same as for everyone else (March 4th). This was always the case but the wording of the post made it look like PS5 users got access to the game ahead of launch alongside the expansion.

Premium Edition EA functions the same way as it did for Xbox and Steam users. :slight_smile:

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