Aiz the Tame Elephant, has that name for the player Aizmak
When the explorer dog dies he says a line from Hamlet
There is a Yodit treasure in a stellae too
And references to the Sundjata and Ibn Tariq campaigns as well!
AoE I, II and Mythology relics as customalizable objects in the Ethiopian Home City in Age of Empires III DE.
I believe they’re trying to say they would bring a Mythology DE as well.
“marco” and “polo” are also cheats in aoe2, making the whole map visible
someone also mentioned, the shipwrecks on the panama map are refferences to the sunk spanish galleons of the fountain of youth campaign mission.
its the only japanese unit card, that gives an additional statbuff and a direct refference to the 1954 Movie “Seven Samurai” (Seven Samurai - Wikipedia)
Incan Llama wool card is a reference to AoE2 incan villagers too
Most team cards have funny descriptions.
That’s a new-ish thing, introduced along with KotM
I’m reminded of one of the Hausa cards that “Ships one University builder, for educational purposes,” and the treasure on African maps guarded by a warthog and a lion that contains “a philosophical treatise on problem solving”. I hope they never stop slipping in these types of jokes and references into the game.
yes, in treasures you can find a lot of easter eggs and jokes, like the peace treaty that worths nothing
It’s literally incorrect , because development of Age of Empires started in 1995. 1997 was only the year of completion and release.
Not necessarily, it can also be for the extended edition of 2014 …
I did a wikia page:
proto-deStartingUnitPrivateer civ-Default type-title">VS Vivid’s Vengence
When that name should appear?
No se si sea un Huevo de pascua pero, en los libros de exp, si te acercas lo suficiente el libro azul tiene las iniciales de F.E de forgotten empires y uno de los libros mas concretamente el café es un bestiario xd