I know there are many QoL threads that is around, but I find a lot of those suggestions are hard to implement with little benefit or are related to single player mode or is related more to the in game balance changes.
Thought I would create a thread that ONLY contains QoL wish list that would be easy to implement for devs and would have a big impact on the multilayer scene.
My suggestions:
- expand the ladder to contain max elo
- expand the player profile to include Max elo, most used civ, last 5 games result etc…
- place color border on profile to indicate elo level (example white = 1100-1300 elo, yellow = 1300-1500, orange = 1500-1700, dark green = 1700-1900, dark blue = 1900+)
- enable players to check deck in casual lobby
- show friends online status (online, away, in game etcc)
- Fix casual lobby to sort by how many players allowed in game
- enable to check player profile while searching qs game
- able to search player by name