El juego se cierra solo

Hola, a alguien mas le pasa que el juego se tilda y se cierra solo? Ya es la 3era vez que me pasa


Me too, can’t start the game and get past intro

me pasa lo mismo pero me funcionaba bien hasta la actualizaciĂłn recien del 10/08/2021

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I can’t launch the game either, since yesterday. Some dark Windows update may have caused the issue on my end. I had other Steam games installed, and couldn’t launch any, so I uninstalled them completely because I lost patience. The only game I left installed is AOE1:DE, for further testing. Games that are not from Steam can run without issues for me. Here is a Steam thread I created for those interested: Can't start any game using Steam :: Steam Discussions

I find, that topic is good for “Ask For Help”.