Elo is going to be added in lobbies, but not the way it should be done

  • u’re wrong for the current top players not wanted it to be ranked, just check this post on esoc :confused:

https://eso-community.net/viewtopic.php?f=982&t=21856 :

55 vote for ranked lobbies
23 to stay like now…

That’s is a poll for team plays, and Amphiprion6 is mentioning 1v1.

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most of the games played are teamgames… so Idk why u all speak for 1v1 like if it was the main thing.

But I can just agree with the first comment from KaiserKlein : "Hosted team games definitely need to be ranked. 1v1 in qs only is okay if the balance is good enough"

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I am for the ranks as on TAD, I miss its more being able to have a sergeant, 1st lieutenant, captain etc, and above all it is not absolutely friendly at all compared to TAD, it is something that everyone wants and says

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No I didn’t play old AoE3 much and I don’t really care how it worked. I just want to push a big button and the system give me a game with players of proper skill. This is how a modern game works.

If the QS is dead I will quit. It is sample.

You should open your mind. Go ranked game and have some fair fights with players of your skill level… Not staying in your comfort zone and bullying weaker players.

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I mean at least this is a half measure. I’m happy there will be SOME form of rank.

Ideally I think everyone would be happy with a seperate rank for custom games though. Vote essentially backing this sentiment up: https://eso-community.net/viewtopic.php?f=982&t=21856 :


I’d like only matchmaking to be ranked.
Coming from the aom original eso servers, I hated the voobly system of no matchmaking and ranked in lobbies. I’d sit in lobby all day with people avoiding and only get to play vs smurfs, they’d always counter-civ me (coz they know I play loki). While other guys play in their friend circles and practically point trade to the top, avoiding good players. Matchmaking puts everyone on a even playing field, guys like hoang can play without people avoiding or thinking up a counter-civ / strat before the game even starts.

If they make a ranked system for lobbies it should be separate from matchmaking ratings, or it’s just an unfair advantage for people who carefully select their opponents.

edit - I just realized this is for aoe3 not aoe2. But the same applies I think.


Kuoting, u’re the exact reason players like u shouldn’t speak about that subject.

Some of us are playing AOE3 for 10-15 years now. And you, you will simply quit in some months after saying “no i dont want it” to everybody that will stay long after calling for better multiplayer system.

U literally don’t know what we’re talking about, I want to play ONLY vs players my level, and that’s the problem, here I can’t !

With ranked lobby, everyboddy played with people their lvl, that’s why many of us wants it back.
No one care about u’re “modern system” of game that people play 2 months then go to another. Bring rank back.

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I feel as if a lot of players don’t really have a good idea on this because they’re new to aoe3 or are from the 1v1 community specifically.

I elaborated on what your saying here:


A disproportionate amount of players here represent the 1v1 community, perhaps because the devs interacted mainly with the ESOC(1v1) players due to their more developed community.

From what i heard, the ESOC team only helped for maps.

According to their own community (check the link upper), they want ranked lobbies too. :confused:

It’s more of the ESOC community mainly being 1v1, becuase they needed to self-organize in a way 2v2/3v3 players never did so now they’re the most vocal.
I suspect they’re brigading this thread.

There are more compet in 1v1 (80% of tourney are 1v1) but not that not matter, in 1v1 QS is better, in team idk i have no opinion about it.

1v1 tourney are great, but what the point for custom lobbies ?

I agree qs is better for 1v1, but u guys already could do it in legacy. Even if i understand elo for 1v1 is better in qs, it’s the opposite for teamgames.

Now team just can’t play custom lobbies, if there’s no rank and no effectiv friendlist :confused:

Yes i am not disagree with you ^^. I am not realy a team player (i like but it’s more for chill) so no opinion about that.

The amount of brigading in this discussion is concerning… Coming from discord.

I’m going to talk about team games.

Why so much dialogue for something that simple? lol

ESO let you play a ranked or unranked match in the same looby(it depents of the options). Imo that’s the best system, because waiting like 3-5 minutes just in a queue to be matched players that I don’t even know who they are or they level, I prefer to wait 5+ minutes in a room where I can chat and see who’s there.

I was Colo in nilla(Orange8), reached brigadier that was my dream and then quit playing 21. I was used to play a lot in the rooms, cuz u got ur “homies” or the top players that play with u normally, also some lower ranks(PR 30++ were able to play in our rooms). It was pretty fine, I was able to play a lot of games in a day and no BS about smurfs or no one wanting to play cuz of the rank in lobbies.


Dude, this is exactly what I’m trying to explain here, but ur words describes it so much better !


Lets just boycott quick search . Let them see how quick the community will decrease

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The devs are mainly only listening to the ESOC crowd which are mainly into 1v1. If you scroll up you can see them litterally brigading certain posts with upvotes(from Discord).
Devs have to realize the things the ESOC peeps say are through the eyes of someone which plays 1v1.